
I’m going to give you the advice I gave my friend who is recovering from an eating disorder “you only have to be attractive to the person you want to be attractive to. And it they don’t find you attractive, they aren’t worth you, so find someone else.” This idea that you have to fit into a narrow box in order to be

Thank you!  I have skin sensitization to coconut oil and every time I go somewhere touting “all natural skin care” I have to ask because so many of the products contain coconut oil.  I’m also sensitized to tea tree oil.  Natural doesn’t mean harmless.

Side note - the woman who won the primary to run as a democrat for Elizabeth Esty’s seat in Connecticut is a black woman from inner city Waterbury (Jahana Hayes), and she is amazing. I can’t vote for her (wrong district) but I’m just saying, as much as it’s unfortunate that some democratic politicians ended up on the

I am a small business owner who pays all of my employees well above the minimum wage (we’re in CT.) Here’s the thing. The companies that claim that they can’t pay a higher wage, or pay for insurance, could totally do that if the person who owns the company is willing to take home less. There are no companies where the

I’m mostly offended that someone would have a black coffee with whipped cream on top.  That is some top-level bullshit right there.  You, sir, are lucky that they didn’t throw you out for flaunting your perversions in public.

Really love their zoo, and the park it’s in is amazing, with great views and the rose garden. Also the Japanese garden is lovely.  Lots of walks and easy to get to by public transportation.

I just hope that they keep the real meaning on the story intact, instead of all of the movie versions.

I feel like the boots as pants thing missed the entire point of pants - to cover the crotch region.  The lower part is perfectly acceptable to show now.  I don’t think we’ve yet gotten to the point where we can go around flashing our nether-regions to each other (yet).

If they actually fact check and vet all of the claims on the site, what will they sell?  They’ll be out 99% of their products.

Just a few notes - DEET is what they recommend if you are going to places with all the terrible mosquito-born diseases and they are the most effective in studies.  I personally love 3M Ultrathon since it was recommended to me by our doctor before we went to Peru.

One thing I didn’t see anything bring up was when he said that the multiple times that this has happened he hasn’t felt guilty about it.  That means he doesn’t care about his relationship with his girlfriend and how much it would hurt her.  He is a terrible person.  I’d say he should break up with his girlfriend and

I’ll just pop on here to recommend the fantastic biography “Queen of Scots: The True Life of Mary Stuart” by John Guy.  A very even-handed book that is very readable and very evidence-based.  A bit long, but comprehensive if you want to sort out all the stories around her.  Also, men are always the worst.

No?  What?  No.  This is a terrible idea.  Just no.

We had over 100 people at the immigration protest in Milford, CT, which has about 52,000 people.   

Freud did so many terrible things that I hate seeing him continuing to be sanitized and memorialized in modern media.  The idea of any show with him as the hero just pisses me off.  He was a terrible, terrible person.  So, no thanks on this for me.

He imagines himself a member of the British aristocracy who has his servants bringing him his morning letters and then take things away.  He is clearly doing this because he wants to pretend he has staff.  And writer - why are you still hanging out with this guy.  He sounds like the worst.

When I moved into an apartment, I entered through the parking garage.  I couldn’t figure out which set of stairs to take, so I ended up entering the stairs at the far end of the garage.  I walked up to my floor, tried the door, no good, locked.  I went back down, no good, locked.  No signal.  I was walking up and down

I wish there were more opportunities for reflective self-care that isn’t rooted in pseudoscience and weird spirituality.  As someone who has suffered from similar depression from a young age, I empathize, but I could not participate in something like this since I’d never give money to these kinds of people who peddle

Seriously.  I try to exercise when I get home from work because I need that mental break.  Then, instead of sitting on my butt watching tv until time for bed, I end up getting other stuff done around the house.  I have so much more energy and momentum to get things done.  It’s a huge help.

Unpopular opinion - I’m glad this is the situation.  The Trump administration is going to do this crap, and I’m hoping that the people involved with the camps aren’t happy but are trying to do the best the can because they know that they can’t change the situation, but they can make it as good as they can.  Because if