
He... he was there and clearly didn’t pay any attention to what actually happened there. The gas chambers were built by the government to kill their own citizens who did not fit their definition of what being a true “German” was. It was used by the majority to exterminate members of minority groups, especially the

I explained to my friend about how the Puritan followed a belief system where if you were a chosen of God and a good person, you would see success on earth. This is the same mentality, and comes from that system. They really think that if you are sick, you did something to deserve it. If you were a chosen of God,

This actually makes sense to me. Barnum was an amazing showman, and his life story is actually pretty interesting. And putting it as a musical makes sense. It’s almost like it’s been done before... Oh, right. It has. There’s a musical called Barnum. But at least it doesn’t have the racial pitfalls of La La Land.

I know the history of theater, but it always struck me as weird how so many plays and musicals have majority male roles. At least when I was in theater, there seemed to be a lot more women involved. I know that probably is true in non-professional theater, but there just always seemed to be more of us. So why no

Nothing says “entitled white rich person in NY” like the term “social justice warrior princess.”

According to Italians, the best way to enjoy wine is however you want it, with whatever food you want, and in whatever glass you choose. So, if it’s super hot and your wine isn’t properly chilled and you just want to drop some ice in it, it’s all good. In an ideal world, all white wine (or rose) would be perpetually

The dress code for my wedding (held at a zoo) was “not jeans.” Though I’m sure at least one person wore them, but I was having too much fun to care. My husband and I were in Moroccan attire (as he is Moroccan,) my “bridesmaids” wore whatever the hell they wanted, and his groomsmen wore suits. Seriously, I’m

It’s kind of terrifying that these men apparently are so weak that being seated next to an 81-year-old Holocaust survivor could provide so much temptation that they would find themselves violating moral codes.

I am always amazed when I get professional emails from clients who are representatives for a large company, often in a managerial capacity, and they use super-religious quotes on their email, think “but those who believe in Jesus shall have eternal life” kind of hyper-religious. It is so unprofessional.

Wow, way to bury the lede. The real news is this story is that America’s Funniest Home Videos is actually still a thing.

As a co-owner of a small business, here’s the thing. You expect your employees to follow the rules. If the rules are that they are in the office from 9-5 or 9-6, they should be whether you are there to check on them or not. If they want to change the rules, then they need to bring that to you so you can discuss it.

What I usually see in trolling about baby animals are “but zoos are so evil and animals shouldn’t be in cages.” It would be lovely if all animals were safe in their native habitat, but since they aren’t, zoos can save species. But sure, just go off on a tangent about how terrible zoos are.

I believe this. I saw the movie, and it really felt like “Generic Tom Cruise action flick.” I mean, swap out the mummy with a generic middle-eastern bad guy, replace the zombies with cannon-fodder, and it reads like another entry into the Mission Impossible movies. It makes so much more sense as a Tom Cruise movie

Can anyone recommend any really good walking sandals? Every time I buy some, the minute they get slightly wet they can really blister-inducing. I want to get them to wear around Portugal next month, so need them for warm weather, a lot of walking, and possible rain, but they can’t be Teevas or similar hiking

She remembers the factory workers at her shoe factory in China that are being held in near-slavery conditions and the Chinese government, or someone, is disappearing people looking into it? Wow! Good for her! Oh, wait, there’s a link. She’s not talking about those people. Nevermind :(

As someone who works in regulatory compliance with a lot of companies that use a toll-producer to make their products, there seem to be two kinds of companies. Those who shrug and and ask how anyone could expect them to check this stuff, and companies who regularly communicate with their producers to create very

Peahen. Males are peacock, females are peahens, babies are peachicks. The group are peafowl.

Don’t worry. They can’t violate ethics rules because they have waivers. Doesn’t that make you trust these people? That’s how all this works, right?

I wish there wasn’t a pressure among girls to fit in with guys by pretending like being a girl is a bad thing. I was lucky that my tabletop gaming experiences were all with gender-split groups, but I remember a girl coming into one of the groups and trying to be a Queen Bee. She didn’t last long, which was sad,

“He came across as credible because he talked about the Trump Organization.” It sounds like these people were quite happy with using back-alley networks to get access to the president and grease a few palms along the way. I’m not sure what they’re upset about. I mean, are they just unhappy that they tried to bribe