
If the whole point was contrast, why isn’t there also a series where a bunch of dudes hold them in front of their dangly bits? That would also be human warmth and curves. But nope, boobs it is.

So, the 4th paragraph has a typo that has her name as “de Yolo” and I had to go back and check that that was not actually her name.

I mean, Anchorage is nice, but not that nice. The zoo is pretty cool, though.

My ex used to lie to me about his cars all the time. He bought this hunk of junk, swore everything was fine with it, but man was it a money sink. And he couldn’t admit it. It had rust holes, originally the engine didn’t run, it took him months to even get it registered. He spent at least 20 times what it would

Umm, you’ve been able to buy this kind of stuff at museum gift shops for forever. How is this revolutionary?

She reminds me of my cousin in a way. My uncle was a horrible man - abusive to my aunt, tried to sexually assault my mom at his daughter’s wedding, basically just compete shit. Except to his youngest daughter. He treated her like a princess, never raised his voice, never raised his hand. So to this day she claims

So, apparently all new musicals that aren’t jukebox musicals are based on movies. Dirty Dancing is becoming a musical, Amelie. It just feels like no one is even trying to create new stories lately.

I am a strong feminist who loves having sparkly nail polish. I wear jeans and flats or a fancy dress. The thing about clothing for women is that we need to stop letting it define us. As long as we are choosing what we want to wear, there really isn’t a wrong, and buying into the conflation of wardrobe and feminism

Frankly, this sounds like the kind of bio of two kinds of people - those who are hiding from war crimes allegations (or other criminal activity,) and those who buy bogus PhD’s from online universities. I can see him fitting into both groups.

I said this on the other tread - it’s the fact that instead of letting these new, interesting characters have their own arcs and find their own footing, they push them into these huge cross-over event where you have to follow like, 15 different books to know what the hell is going on. I love Ms Marvel so much and I

I’m guessing the author of this piece hasn’t married a foreign national. I just married my husband (who is Muslim and from Morocco) last fall, and it was an expensive and difficult process. It started with a fiance visa, then the marriage, then the work permit, then the green card. We are still working on the green

Not an April fool’s prank, but a birthday prank. This guy I had just started dating worked evening shift at a hospital. He sometimes had to work night shift too because his coworker called out. On my birthday, I’m waiting for him to come to my apartment (we had been dating about 3 months, so I was super excited

I think it would match my cat’s scarf :)

I wrestled in middle school in the 90s, so no girls division and no other girls on my school wrestling team. I wrestled against girls and guys from other schools. Are there are enough female wrestlers at any one school that those girls won’t have trained with their male teammates? So why are the girls’ parents upset

Well, at least he’s on temporary assignment to North Dakota, in February. That makes me a little happy.

My mid-thirties white male friend posted on Facebook a few weeks ago about how apparently dissing people is now called shade, hahaha kids these days AMIRITE?! And I had to correct him and then admit that I (as a mid-thirties white woman) am not nearly skilled enough to really explain it but he should read Shade Court

It must be nice to be the only person doing feminism right.

I want this to happen. I want to see a live mammoth. And then afterwards, I hope the resurrect the dodo.

Wait - Tom Hanks was in Hidden Figures? I don’t remember that.

I found out at my wedding that my mom is the only sane one of her family (she has three sisters.) My cousins who were able to come spent a lot of time talking to my mom about how crazy their mothers are, and afterwards I thanked my mom profusely for being the best mother of the group.