
Make you feel sad for those luddites plugging their Tesla in each night when all they needed was a jug of petrol in the trunk.

Last I checked, every Tesla gets 0 miles per gallon of gasoline.

Microsoft definitely believes in it, as demonstrated by their agreement this week with Nware. A year ago very few people had even heard of ChatGPT and now everyone understands how Microsoft’s investment is putting cracks in Google’s throne. Tech changes rapidly and it is up to regulators to as good of a job as they

Billy Joel failed to mention what happened to the people waiting in Allentown. Now we know.

Having driven both - the CTR is vastly superior in every way but as the owner of a garaged 5th gen Prelude, I can understand the nostalgia pull.

1960 Lamborghini Miura hits 100kph (62+mph) in 6.7 seconds. The fastest minivan today (Honda Odyssey) hits 60mph in 6.7 seconds. So, the 63 year old Lamborghini is ever so slightly faster, looks vastly better, and will lose that Honda if the car ever needs to turn — but, otherwise - point taken.

Apparently they aren’t the only ones with a “conversation” glitch.

60% (and falling) 66.6%

You forgot one: ... and a 70 MPH “road” is absurd.

There are CEO’s today publicly calling people something worse than “pedo guy”? Or are you saying that is the default name all CEO’s call rescuers?

I have a 2014 Nissan Leaf that has lost 20% of the original range so far. Assuming the range degradation continues at this pace (and no further issues come up as a result - which is certainly possible, if not likely) it will still be usable for me in 8+ more years.

FWIW: The battery will “decay” - have less range. However, battery replacement is only necessary if the vehicle does not have the range needed for how the owner wishes to use it.

Top Gear Test Track

Someone may or may not have space in their panel (or power headroom if they are 100 amp) and/or require swapping out breakers, so it may not be quite as simple as 4 wires versus 3. It also requires different gauge cables due to the higher power draw and code is often unique for 220 vs 110. Bottom line: Hire an

Anecdotal evidence but we have had an EV for 9 years along with two ICE vehicles. I take it in once every other year to replace the air filter and look it over and I replaced the tires at Les Schwab last year and the 12V battery last month. The ICE vehicles are in the shop twice a year for oil changes, annual service

Tempered glass FTW.

Honda/Acura have relatively few options. For the most part, you pick the car, type, and interior/exterior color and, with few exceptions, you are done.

Another big factor in lowering pedestrian injuries is eliminating turning right on red. Many drivers are looking to their left for traffic while ignoring pedestrians to the right.

My money is on an alien gender reveal party.