
They are considering more fuel exploration here, but exploration is a long term fix — bringing in crude that is already available would show an immediate result.

Due to the dramatic fall of the rubble (153 per dollar) a barrel of oil would need to raise to more than $160 for Russia just to hit the spot they were in before the war began - and this assumes that Russia can sell their oil at the market price, which they cannot. Start connecting all of the monetary issues they are

Well, that Tesla got one heck of an over-the-air update.

While I generally agree with your points and believe we can consider dropping mask requirements, provided local hospitalization numbers support it - there is one nitpicky point I need to make:

They don’t have to be.

There was a day and age in America when we saw a smaller country do something great and took that as a challenge to do that same thing even better.

Additional weight. As I understand it, a commercial airliner uses ~5K gallons of fuel just for take-off and then 5 gallons per mile after that. Obviously, far less for a prop plane, which is what we need to focus on today based on switching to electric - but the additional weight for the battery-electric operation

Dear Verisign,

We just got done paying $4,500 to replace all the carpeting in a Toyota Highlander because the sunroof drain emptied inside the car when it was not being used for a few weeks and it cause mold throughout the vehicle. So — it does not happen often, but when it does it can be pretty bad.

Indeed. It is a bit like Cosby H(h)imself. I wish I could watch his at-one-time amazing work but it is impossible to enjoy now. My kids will always (rightly) know him as that old rapist now but it is impossible for me to shake that there used to be a wonderful human behind that ugly truth.

Clorox makes the best mouthwash.

Oh, you can have the greatest tablet hardware ever made and if it is running Android apps then it will still be crap compared to iOS because the software itself is the problem. I live with this daily in the Chromebook universe (which is, IMHO, the best Android tablet available) where I sport a device that is

Hey, if the Fire works for you then that rocks, especially given what you save. Personally, the Amazon tech is all so ridiculously slow that I cannot deal with them (on top of the Android tablet UI issues) but it would not be unfair to say that I am very impatient with slow tech.

Sure, you can buy great Android tablet hardware, and if you could run iPad apps then it would be great, but you have to run apps from the island of misfit toys instead. This is why Google mostly abandoned tablets because Android is just not there, and might never be. Sure, there are some apps that are acceptable but

What makes the iPad vastly better is the apps. If you never install anything then there are Android tablets (hardware) that are better than the iPad, but they are all crap because iOS apps are built for iPad devices whereas most Android apps are not. I can live with it on a Chromebook (or a Chrome OS tablet) because

Android tablets suuuuuuck. That is the one area in our home where iOS still rules the roost.

Um, that option does not correct this bug on iOS devices.

Meanspirited about what? Not joking -- I am clueless as to what you mean. I am reminded of when I first moved to America (Philly) from Sydney and I was pointing another first grader to the bathroom but I used my middle finger. I didn’t realize that was an offensive gesture in the United States and I got sent to the

Correct take. Sony could not have done this because they are not a monopoly company like Microsoft with billions stuffed in the sofa cushions. This will set off regulatory scrutiny but I think Microsoft has the covered knowing the feds are too busy hounding other monopolies like Google, Apple, and Facebook. The fact

I’m not certain how that applies to my continuation of the obvious joke (or was your response a joke?) but - mkay.