Or instead of inefficient, slow, and expensive battery magnets, Apple could just release an iPhone with a user-swappable battery.
Or instead of inefficient, slow, and expensive battery magnets, Apple could just release an iPhone with a user-swappable battery.
I think you are on to something important. Maybe there should be a mandatory signal on all vehicles that must be “on” whenever they are in self-driving mode?
I don’t know. Hitting the Google the first link I looked at showed us 37th in the world overall. The second link showed us 12th out of 12 ranked. Maybe the results would improve if I worked down the list, but having experienced the health care system in Australia (elementary school), the U.K. (high school) and…
Every city in this country has a nasty history (and present) with racism. But Philly tipped the election, gave us the anti-fascist orange demon called Gritty, and with just 10 residents cleared out the a couple hundred assholes. So, with all due respect, I’m taking a moment to say “God bless America, and fuck yeah,…
My understanding is the batteries are re-used for non-automotive purposes, such as a battery backup. Yes, eventually they will no longer be effective for even stationary purposes, requiring disassembly for component elements but, as I understand it, that is not until they have served a new life outside the…
Weather impacting citrus crops have been around for as long as we have had citrus crops. Heck, it is a major plot point in 1983's comedy “Trading Places”. 114 degrees in my suburb of Seattle that is normally in the 70s? Never happened since record keeping started.
Love the Mr. Bill electric brakes in that magnetic beauty.
That is true, but it won’t happen any day soon. Add to it that ICE vehicles should not be permitted above 55 MPH to improve gas mileage by 15%+ ... It’s a shame. Despite driving on public roads being a privilege/licensed activity with strict laws governing use, the citizens in our country treat them all as guidelines…
It depends. A Leaf can be dirt cheap, so if you are using it for short range it is a great way to go. Plus, unlike the early model’s current capacity, there is quite a range in Leaf battery quality out there. If they were used in mild climates then they can get to 100K with minimal battery loss. If they were used in…
If only the country with zero faults can cast stones then humanity is doomed.
Or an add-on battery pack that fits in the bed of the pickup?
If suddenly all vehicles in the world got more than 10% better gas mileage then that would be pretty “earthshaking”, so that 11%+ difference is a big deal. That typed, neither vehicle should be considered economical on fuel use and I’m willing to bet it does not matter to customers in this automotive segment.
The decrease in costs for lithium ion batteries has not stopped yet. This march downward is mostly due to scaling up manufacturing. While there are always potential hiccups that could interrupt this process, there are also new battery technologies that could dramatically drop it further. Either way, the best bet for…
Your concerns are valid since an EV fire is a very different animal than an ICE one. They are extremely rare, but much like we need to change our fueling infrastructure for this new electric universe, fire departments will need to change their procedures to match this new reality. Still - as many others have pointed…
I would point you to the Diamond Deli. Pastrami fans cannot go wrong with their Rachel sandwich.
Google is, like, just so difficult to use. Am I right?
Here is the YouTube version if the Twitter one is not working for you:
Answering that specific question, there is no doubt it is the Atari 2600 controller because it is the first major video game controller ever and one that nearly everyone (certainly anyone over 40 YO) is very familiar with. You can pick them up on eBay easily.
Answering that specific question, there is no doubt it is the Atari 2600 controller because it is the first major…
Does that list really say Mitsubishi has the second highest reliability?
That is mostly true. I think Honda and Toyota were very late shifting their HFC R&D to EVs, but their cautious approach to releasing EVs to their showrooms is spot-on. Aside from battery tech (which is changing rapidly), EVs are not particularly complicated and the federal standardizations have barely begun. Being…