
Imagine stations at each highway exit where you could pull up your EV and in less than <5 minutes they would have swapped your expended battery pack(s) for fully charged replacements. You pay fifteen bucks and you are back on the road. Suddenly the issues of range anxiety and weather impacting power become somewhat

Agreed. Of course, at this point it would be a huge step forward for manufacturers to build vehicles that do not have to be completely disassembled to replace the batteries.

They should start their focus in the same time period:

Oh yeah - here’s your chance to re-take the throne, Musicmatch!

If it has not happened already, this is the only valid reason to vote for Trump in 2020.

The one feature I desperately want is a tabbed UI for Windows file folders. Well, to be fair, I’ve wanted that for about 10 years now. It looked like it would happen when Microsoft announced Sets, but ...

Fortunately, school bus drivers (are supposed to) follow far more rigid driving rules and they mostly remain off of freeways, so the risk is significantly lower. That typed — my stomach gets queasy every time I see a school bus driving down I-5 in Seattle.

“Honda and Toyota ... focused too much on their bread-and-butter, and not enough on the out-there stuff that heralds the future.”

“Anyone who is not vaccinated for the disease may be vulnerable to catching it.”

The problem is easy to fix: Tax based on net worth instead of income.

I was about to ask why anyone needs a V12 engine today. Thank you for explaining it so succinctly for me.

“Eugene is less than an hour from Portland”

Did they charge for tickets to it? The reason more directors do not do creative productions like this is that copyright holders well send their lawyers. If you don’t charge (run on donations) then you can potentially skirt the law, but then you get into cost issues.

The question is how much Tesla will profit on a vehicle sold for 35K. They already have pretty remarkable pricing for what they deliver and this 35K offering is bad news for GM, Nissan and anyone else trying to nudge their way into the EV space. (But, great news for customers.)

Simply put, we wouldn’t own an EV if we could not charge it at home.

Ah, the pitfall of being a game developer - am I right? [cough] No - don’t get up. I’ll show myself out.

I suspect you have a better EV than our Nissan Leaf. Between the power delivery and the tires, it is more about skating the car when there is ice/snow on the ground.

I agree - facts matter. From the site you linked to:

This may be obvious, but dino burners can lose up to 25% of their “mileage” in cold weather requiring more stops at the station in the cold weather, which is more annoying to me than having to plug in the EV at home every night instead of every other night.