
“I love all animals...all animals that humans can theoretically keep as pets and cuddle and control. But billions of wild birds, marsupials, and reptiles imperiled by feral nonnative cats? Fuck ‘em!”

The Ancient Indian Burial Ground(tm) is still a go, though.

We went wave running. Ran out of gas. He was a keeper but we never went wave running again.


Go to a bar and get liquored up like everyone else, you dirty hippies.

First dates aren’t necessarily with strangers. They might be friends or coworkers or may have met doing other outdoor activities like a climbing club i don’t thint hiking is any more dangerous than any other first dates.

So, I guess she shot down his suggestion to have a second date, involving a late night stroll by the abandoned warehouses on the waterfront.

I actually just hiked around this area a week ago. You’d be surprised at how it can look if you down in the canyons near rivers or creeks (which still run). Lots of trees and undergrowth:

Where else are you going to have a first date when you meet on “Tinder”?

Coulda ended worse...

Well fuck. And I have all these fetus parts in my garage freezer. What’s a gal to do?

Mr. Paul, can you please comment on how much of an asshole you are?

“Oh, is that hair gel?”

Speaking of wine . . .

Planned Parenthood has prevented more abortions than all of the pukes who are opposed to them put together.

Some of us don’t have anyone to call to pick us up when we land :(

Man, you may have screwed that baby over in a past life but IT FOUND YOU. IT FUCKING FOUND YOU.

I was going to start my own reply with the same phrase, so if it’s cool I will leave it your thread;

Ok, this isn’t a winner. But it’s super creepy and annoying. On my last flight I was sitting in a row of three seats. I had the window, and this middle aged bloated flushed red skin dude had the aisle. No one had claimed the middle seat. Cool. Usually that means a little extra room for the both of us and/or a small