
I remember Pearl Horber. She was a nice lady. I didn’t rember her though.

Are your houseplants craving electrolytes?

Oh. My. God. Uzbeki.

“In my administration, we’ll take care of both the Kurds and the Wheys.”

Wow. Coco just threw Ice-T some ice cold shade. This needs to go to Shade Court, stat!

I wouldn’t even have sex with anyone who had shaken hands with Justin Beiber.

Is this fake baby in a car seat? ..... but ...... why?!?!?!

How the fuck Tori spelling get close enough to the hibachi grill to fall on it and burn herself??

If you ever run into Bryan Cranston Bobby, I think you should just reach over and rub his belly and give him a smile and a wink.

He then proceeded to roll the letter up and smoke it.

Faulkner thinks the toy’s existence is detrimental to her reputation



I am seething with jealousy that you got to soak this in

“Oh, I couldn’t possibly get into all that right now,” she said, patting me on the face as she walked away. “But they were fabulous,” she called over her shoulder.

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it
The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists

Ugh— on the one hand, this is vile and she makes some good points. Profiting from someone’s image without their permission, not a public figure, not to mention agism. (Though a lawsuit is bs.)

Jan Brewer is terrible. People shaming women for aging are terrible. It’s all terrible. You know who the real winner in all this is, though?

Nah,it’s her meanness that makes her look old.