
This is Greek Tragedy-level nonsense.

Sam Rockwell for the love sick cousin.

You are weird and creepy but I’m actually ok with that so long as you put on a sweater, toots.

My dinner seems inadequate now knowing that it was neither Shepherd’s Pie nor made with love by Hugh Jackman :(

I have no evidence to back it up, but I get the feeling that the not-as-rich-as-the-douchebag-but-still-rich old lady in the wheelchair wouldn’t piss on a homeless person if they were on fire. It’s all relative.

I like to think that she upgraded with her current hunk.

He was smokin’, but I was always into Oded Fehr on the good guy’s team.

Like you wouldn’t holla ?

Jeb has Barbara Bush’s psychotic death glare.


Funny thing, I’m in approximately the same boat as Frau von Hatchet, and found her post on-point and amusing. Where is all the hatred of men you claim to see? She’s laughing because dude is finding out what it’s like to be sidelined because of ageing, just like all women do. That’s not the same as hating men, and

Oh I am so, so happy that you wrote this. I read the original article and just laughed and laughed and laughed. Ah, such happy times! As a not unattractive 47 year old woman, not only am I invisible to men, but I’m also invisible to employers, employees, advertisers, clothing designers, TV and movie

I will NEVER stop loving Moonstruck. Nicholas Cage and Cher are the most perfect couple in the history of ever.

I like to follow up my okie-dokie with an artichokey just for good measure. It’s a nice combo & it works for me.

I help run a fundraiser every year for the American Heart Association. People are shocked when I spout off stuff about heart disease. It runs in my family. It's a scary thing.

what are the strange rules of uniqlo? i am not aware of them.

Not to mention, being so casual after taking a life so recently. It’s not something I could get over so easily.

Doing something accidental and being responsible for it are not mutually exclusive. Caitlyn obviously didn’t crash the car on purpose but she is still responsible for what she did.

Removing Komen was a good decision for entirely wrong reasons. Like taking religious holidays off the school calendar to avoid putting Muslim holidays on the calendar.

Yeahhhh it seems most of their money goes to paying salaries and “awareness.” Who isn't aware that my tits could get cancer? That theirs could too? No one except small children