+1 Scary and topical!
+1 Scary and topical!
You know, people need to really calm down about this stuff. Statistically speaking, a shark is highly unlikely to find a fan to attack at a Marlin’s game.
Man, I feel that. I get to the airport 4 hours early, minimum, for international flights.
It’s most likely generational. I’m in my 50s and find vocal fry insufferable. However, I’ll be pushing up daisies in a generation, and you’ll be cringing over some new vocal affectation of the following generation. It all evens out.
Kitsch is the new Gosling girl! Get with the program!
And lo, a child was born unto them. A child destined to rule the Great White North. A child destined to be supernaturally beautiful, with feathered blonde hair, power-skating thighs and, somehow, still an obnoxious inferiority complex.
When do you set up the zip line to the hospital?
I wasn’t quite that prepared, but we did have a car route planned, an alternate route in case I went into labor durring the Chicago Marathon (6 days before my due date, route running between home and our hospital), a mass transit route, and we both put a taxi company number into our phones. Living in the city, there…
All of this may go out the window when labor kicks in. I couldn’t have told you my name.
OMG, we need to start an Over-Planners Anonymous. Because you just described pregnant me 18 years ago.
I’m so glad she survived. But....
I like E) Join them in lovely harmony
This! This is the future, I’m certain of it.
I think you kind of owe them ice cream now.
I made my kids watch this because I’m a horrible person. My precious children had looks that evolved from excitement at hearing the first notes of the song, to confusion at seeing Kanye, to absolute and utter horror. They ran away before it was over and one of them may now be crying.
The crowd was pretty good!
Bluegrass covers of rap songs make me ragey.
The crowd’s singing it better...
Look, by all means, go for a cover if you want to, but don’t play the original over the top and emphasise how much your attempt pales in comparison.
We are considering creating a new combo name once we have kids. Not hyphenating, but making a new name out of letters from both our names.