I do transcription for a living, and I can tell you the apostrophe is frequently used when creating a “nonstandard” verb like this. Without the apostrophe, it might be read as B Sing. It kinda looks wrong either way, though.
I do transcription for a living, and I can tell you the apostrophe is frequently used when creating a “nonstandard” verb like this. Without the apostrophe, it might be read as B Sing. It kinda looks wrong either way, though.
You know, I just can’t feel those celebrities who defended Woody Allen. So Keaton is tainted for me. But I love Candace Bergen: she is a righteous babe.
Seth MacFarlane: False.
Rayanne Graff meets Clarissa Explains It All.
I feel the same way on airplanes but I think the annoyed stares are mostly due to my tentacles.
My mom had one of these hemorrhage 7 years ago and it very nearly killed her. It was a very long road to recovery, she stuggled to speak for many months, but she is miraculously back to baseline, and recently completed the Camino de Santiago de Compostela in Spain.
That is definitely my assumption. The only other plausible explanation is that Bill Murray signed on for the free trip to Hawaii, and everyone else signed on for Bill Murray.
Everyone signed on to this for the free trip to Hawaii correct? It looks so terrible I can’t think of any other reason.
No, he attacked Shannon’s husband because he’s a fucking moron. And no, he’s not horribly sexist from what I’ve seen. And, yeah, he IS superior to everyone else on that show. What show are YOU watching?
“Why did I see 75 planes spraying white stuff in the sky on my 15 minute drive to work?”
On that logic, is everyone a closet murderer who would kill folks if they knew there would be no personal consequences? What the fuck is wrong with these people?
I wonder if it’s weird to be Ben’s sister, Amy, when every headline declares that your brother’s mother has died.
You’ve never had tempura asparagus? You poor creature.
So Doe Deere is gorgeous with that blue hair. I’m jelly.
I do. That’s why I’m selling a printout of this thread for 400 Bitcoins.
“If only you knew my past. Everybody makes mistakes.”