Maybe it’s a different type of fresh powder?
Maybe it’s a different type of fresh powder?
The idiot that barrel-rolled almost got himself killed. What posessed him to drop on the ground and roll sideways when he could have kept running? That little panicked stunt just about cost him his life.
You'd have a point if most of those incidents weren't actually the ideas of producers and writers. I believe the only off the cuff racial-ish remark was that one time with the Mexicans, and that was definitely Hammond rather than Clarkson.
Chicago's byzantine parking rules have only gotten worse with the goddamn LAZ parking deal for the next 90+ years. If you don't pay the ticket, the fees double in 30 days. And then double again in another 30. Let it go long enough and you can't renew your vehicle registration or driver's license.
As someone who drove a "hook" (tow trucks are still called this despite tow trucks not having used hooks since the 70's) the tow truck was fine, as the jeep The rear tires are just cradled and then the cradles are lifted- the vehicle just sits on top. You aren't going to damage those cradles. And he drove off in the…
$200 hook up fee, $75 per mile
So when I was in college, one of my roommates had a car with a short. The battery would die if it wasn't driven for a reasonably short period of time. Pretty much every time he drove anywhere, he needed a jump start.
Yep, It's an extortion racket, People would not hate tow truck drivers if they were honest.
How long have you been a tow truck driver? Do you wish you did better in school?
Nah, fuck those guys.
100$ daily "storage fee" to sit on a dirt lot isn't making a living. Esp when they seem to have trouble getting in touch with you for 2 days.
Do you know that crusty white fungus that grows on the occasional dog turd left in a sunny lawn? Tow-truck operators rank someplace below that...
I think he made the right move.
Nobody wins? I disagree. JEEP GUY WON. I don't even like Jeeps, but this sold me.
Not surprised. In Richard Hammond's book about his jet car crash, the point was made more than once that the core team of Andy, Jeremy, James, and Richard were united in the agreement that if one of them couldn't be part of the show, then the show as they represented it would end. They thought it was going to happen…
One of my idiot neighbors has started complaining about a local gun range. It's only open till 5:00 or 6:00, 5 days a week.