god damnit..
god damnit..
From the video it looked as if his right rear tire might have been about 1.5 psi off. Tough break, bro. Better use a digital gauge next time.
I'm sure for 35 grand you can also take a fox body (car included) and make it into something that would blow the 2015 GT out of the water as well.
I love Webber though I admit that he is inconsistent. But when he is on, he is ON.
Oh by far it's the pass at the end of the best racing documentary in history, Days of Thunder. When Cole sets him up then gives him the old CRISS CROSS..and to win the biggest race in racing, the Daytona 500..WOW.
Parnelli Jones just doing his thing.
All of the passes.
Amazing finish and so good the video almost missed it. Every final lap should be this epic.
This one.
While I am neither a F&F or Vin Diesel fan, do we really have to be so harsh? It's clear that his heart is very close to the film, and what's so bad about having a crazy strong opinion? We know it probably won't happen, but let the man have his opinion.
I can’t begin to count the number of times I’ve heard this, from men and women, young and old: “I’m not into cars, but I love Top Gear.” If it didn’t serve as a gateway drug for cars, it at least helped the normals understand us enthusiasts a little bit.
The demise of Top Gear is really hitting our household hard. My weekly Monday night tradition with my 5 year old son is watching Top Gear. It is one of the primary reasons he is so into cars. We will really miss watching the program each week and it is especially hard since there was no warning.
Then what compelled you to click the link, find a video, and comment
A Honda Odyssey could probably destroy this thing.
Alright that’s it, shut the doors and lock this shit up because Special Editions are over. As evidence I submit the Toyota Corolla Altis ESport Nurburgring Edition; a red-seat-piping package commemorating a 7th place finish in at a Nurburgring race, apparently.