
There's no way, just no fucking way, that a company like Nintendo that has been around since the 1800's (albeit they made playing cards back then) would back down to Sony and Microsoft. It has nothing to do with quality of product, or even money. It's just deeply grounded in the culture and tradition of Japan.

What the hell, all this does is make me miss my own Lego Studios set. Why did they discontinue that?

4 of these are cross releases. So it's gonna be like with the PS3 then, great then I can wait at least two years for the good titles to come out.

Great, now ackknowledge the existence of the Holiday special and the Ewokk movies and release them on the boxset alongside the others

A lot of the missing sales are from casual families not realizing that the Wii and Wii U are two completely different entities - But (at least with the people I have spoken) a surprising amount of weight is put on the movie-format thing. Really, to a lot of my friends their first DVD player was the PS2 and their first

Nintendo, here's an idea: Make a peripheral for the Wii U that makes it possible to play DS titles, just like back when you did the same for the Gameboy and the SNES through the Gamecube. Heck, the thing already has two screens and touch screen capabilities, a port of several of your best selling titles wouldn't even

F yeah Denver the Last Dinosaur, had the most rocking intro theme of my childhood

there's something slightly similar called PPG Doujinshi - it's a "magical girl" type series with the Power Puff girls where they go to school and live in the same city with a lot of different Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon characters.

those are some strange knees

I remember really liking the personality they gave Zurg

Unfortunately it's just fanart

Guessing Niels Neutron, the hair is kinda similar

No Lost Vikings reference?

As much as I like that this series hasn't "jumped the shark" it seems a bit.. well.. arrogant to think that there can only be one true version of a piece of work, even one as well done as C&H. Then again, I've never understood the near religious following people gives this strip.


They ARE heroes, well in some respects anyway. They are the less corrupt, corrupt people.

How would it be distracting to have any other color than black? I think they're just trying to "prove" that gaming is wearing it's big-boy-pants now.

Ready the pitchforks!

I remember this guy, he was pretty awesome!

Shadow Man has always been associated with frogs, because frogs have always been associated with ninja in Japan. In Mega Man 2: the power fighters for the arcade Shadow Man could summon a giant frog during his battle