


Sam and Frodo's love story is more tragic since Frodo bails.

Considering the novel already contained the love story of the ages, I can sort of see Auden's point.

I always thought it was pretty clear that the only true love story was Agent Smith and Agent Smith. And Agent Smith. He loved himself so much.

Speaking of LOTR

I'll be honest, when I first read The Lord of the Rings I didn't even notice there was a love story.

Aragorn and Arwen are important, it explains many motivations behind the man we meet and call Strider at the beginning. Characters need to be more than "fighter type who leads and is courageous" or "warrior who makes quips" and things like that.

Could have done without this.

I know, I'm sorry. But it was just too obvious.


Hey, the EAGLE Space Program is very important to Middle Earth innovation.

Ah, so THIS is what those damn eagles were doing when they should have been flying Frodo to Mt. Doom.

Online since 1997, eh? Looks it. All it's missing is a spinning torch gif and that site could be on GeoCities.

That's no moon...

Ancient and only barely within our light cone of intersectable history?

I thought the headline said, "*Game of Thrones* behind-the-scenes look at season 4 will make you pee," and thought to myself "I have enough problems with that already." Then I read that it was actually squee, and was quite embarrassed.

Elia Martell, Princess of Dorne, you raped her. You murdered her. You killed her children.

Gwendoline Christie and her Brienne continue to make my heart sing. Christ, but they won the casting lottery with that woman.