Monetary Value?

And even that isn't without its flaws, but I suppose, that it is so much the lesser evil that it nearly has to be good? I don't know. It's all a mess.

Somehow I feel less interested in your point due to needless capital letters.

Each and every individual of a group is a representative for and of that group, but even without that in mind I certainly am part of that group. And since you state your complaint so generalised in your previous and current comment you are in effect also referring to me.

And another $12,- gone! POOF!

Possible, but I suppose my own focus on the word 'incest' is catching up to me. I was pondering more in the direction of a "normal" love relationship between near relatives. So I haven't really given this direction any thought, I suppose it does hold a lot of merit, seen the popularity of shows and games like "There's

Nice, both Castles on PC!

It took too long for this reply to appear! Well done though!

Did I complain? Sure didn't. But sure, some will, just like some console players complain about trivial matters. Sometime a complaint isn't a complaint, but simply criticism for doing a lazy job, which coincidently isn't uncommon with console games being ported to the computer. But aside from mounting a complaint or

Ha! Poor Krauss.

I can agree to that, I don't mind playing these type of titles with a controller, somehow it just plays away so much nicer.

Tau... ah, the only reason I've ever considered starting Warhammer 40K. Freaking awesome design all around.

And her bottom isn't in your face! Madness!

OR play the PC version.

I was more thinking along the lines of it being another fad, not in whether it'd be useful. Just as the i5 2500k was a fad for any self build game system (and still is) to the point that it is also hammered as the best value for money option.

Thanks! It does indeed work!

Ah, even when I pay by CC? Guess I'll go give it a go later on. Time to go real-estate hunting on the interweb! If I pretend to live somewhere I don't, might as well make it a nice place!

Hey! That's interesting. My whole genetic diversity understanding is based on internet bullshit. So no worries.

Yeah, I sorta regret getting the more expensive option of a i5 2500k. Seems like wasted money with how unused most of the power in it goes. It would be interesting to see or we'll get more eight core options, with the consoles being eight cores.

DD was initially projected to sell 1,5 million units, that was adjusted to 1 million units and it ended up selling 1,3 million units. It sold above expectations.

With Love!