Monetary Value?

And here I am still hoping for Dragon's Dogma for the PC. It was great fun on the Xbox 360 (And no doubt on the PlayStation 3 as well), but I know it could just be so much better with a lot of mod love. I know I'd change quite a few things myself. Mercedes Marten in your own party for the win!

I don't get the whole issue with incest, beyond the whole genetic diversity argument that is.

Hey, hey, now AMD Phenom Black 970 is a pretty sweet budget option!

Ah, that's a shame, but that other site you found is awesome! Thanks a bunch, will go check what more they have on sale.

You know what'd be perfect for Half Life 3? PC!

And now I can't help but wonder whether or not an USA Amazon Steam would work on my EU Steam. I would guess so, but has anyone tried this here?

Because everyone is ignoring it purposely, so that maybe it'll jump at other platforms to grab our attention and we all can live happily forever after. I'll be sitting here day-dreaming for a while more.

It's not like it can cause them to sell less Wii Us.

There once was a StationPlay*, it had quite expensive taste. A GreenRay Drive*! Motionless Chip*. U SEE BUY* ports, four of them! A Shell Chip* and much more! And because of this expensive taste, it was so expensive! Only $599,-, but then time went by and the exotic bits and pieces started to get cheaper, better

I'm afraid you'll have to clarify your request for clarification.

Hey, someone has to make them!

So they'll need a clarification to clarify their clarification! Clarifiception, I guess?

Cheap junk... but then again, we make our own here with function over form in mind. So hardwood top, steal frame, in the case of a table. Cost about as much as IKEA furniture, lasts a little longer though...

I don't know about the last time, coincidently, I don't know about the first time either!

Yeah, someone else mentioned it was the on-line portion, but the question then is or it depends on some portion of code or what-ever from the server or that your locale client just decides to hide it if it doesn't detect a connection. The latter should be a lot easier to work around, I'd guess.

Ah, that makes sense. Thank you for the explanation.

I played that Mass Effect game once, I didn't play it again after, aside from the cramp and pain, it just didn't play very good. Not the best is an understatement, but maybe I'm missing a meme here.

Well, they certainly did fall from grace.