Mommet Coddler

Yikes. Are those the dorms on the other side of I-25 where the Red Lion used to be? I went to Metro briefly about 25 years ago, and worked at UCD for a while, but I don't think dorms were in use at the time.

I'm hoping that if things are being investigated at CU Denver, that any new policies/positive outcomes are applied at Metro and CCD as well.

What ilovecarolburnett said. Plus different babies are different. My ex's dad told me about the time that he fed my ex (as a baby) five jars of baby food in a row because he didn't know that the baby was only supposed to have half a jar. Baby kept eating, daddy kept feeding. There is also a possibility that these

A lot of children start eating solid food around the time they can sit up. It may have to be mashed, but that doesn't necessarily make it less caloric.

Here are some things to think about before waxing lyrical about the damage that pregnancy can do to a man:

I'm unclear on how a parody of Buzzfeed would substantially differ from Buzzfeed itself.

I read that in the voice of Billy Eichner.

Um, nope. If there were lots of naked dudes maybe, but not what is described above. It sounds soul killing, like listening to your partner masturbate because they would rather do that than get it on with you.

I read this earlier and when I was at the drugstore just now I thought about buying prenatal vitamins to see if it would affect my online ads. But then I realized that I didn't want to spend $30 on an experiment.

I don't understand how fecal brain matter functions, but it apparently does not render its victims immobile. Which is a damn shame.

I console myself with the excuse that happy marriages are dull and not widely publicized. Besides, a lot of famous artists are famous because they believe in challenging rules, and that doesn't play well in relationships.

I found out yesterday that Lynda J. Barry used to date Ira Glass. I was sad that they broke up, then more sad that it seems like he was a pretentious dick to her. But happy that they're both in positive relationships now. So many feels.

If you're wondering why people are piling on here (and I think you must be, because you are continuing to defend your statement as though it is a simple statement of fact, rather than a perpetuation of a stereotype): What you said is roughly equivalent to saying, "That child molester definitely shouldn't have molested

I used to scoff at people who dared this look, but now I call it "Camper's Delight." Perfect for going from campfire to sleeping bag and back out to the campfire because you forgot your water bottle.

Bo and Hope 4 ever! (Confession: Have not watched since 1983.)

Is layering only something that married men are allowed to do? Or do married men grow out their hair? (ETA: This question was supposed to be for kitsler.)

Ironic that Patsy Stone would be disparaging drug abuse. Or maybe I'm misreading your tone. Are you honestly inquiring what the good drugs are these days?

Caffeine can have different effects on children that you would expect. In small doses it can cause kids to have MORE focus, rather than less. My son's kindergarten special educator suggested giving him a half-cup of unsweetened coffee mixed with milk as a morning drink to help with focus. She had one student whose

I would suspect that it is more likely a physical ailment, like an internal abscess that is causing pain. The animal wouldn't know where the pain is coming from and might just attack anyone around as an expression of that. Just my guess though. It could just be off of its lithium.

Wow, juicy and a little bit racist!