
It’s always the racists and bigots who consistently vote against equality that post this shit.

I have a couple of family members who live in the DC/MD/VA area and got their tickets last week. They’re just THRILLED! Now today, they were kind enough to post a (copied) statement on FB that we should all go on with our lives and not judge others for whom they voted and if you do, you’re a horrible person. (This

This guy is replacing the eagle as the symbol of Trumpmerica.

My favorite thing about this election is that the same people who always bitched that Obama was soft on Putin are now enthusiastically supporting a guy who is openly sucking his dick. Excuse my language.

I feel like I’m wearing a tin-foil hat here, but here goes: something in the meeting is leading the dems to think Comey himself is compromised at this point.

So we on the left are the patriots now and they’re the commie-loving traitors, right? Russia has taken over without firing a single shot and we are now a banana republic, being ruled by a puppet government. I can not comprehend what’s happening, I just can’t.

... accusing the publication of including comments without dancers’ permission and of failing to include the company’s full statement in the piece.

In response, Dolan requested “tolerance” from the dancers, saying: “I find it a little ironic—I get all of these emails, too, from people saying, ‘Don’t perform for this hateful person.’ And then they proceed to spew out this diatribe of hate.”

On Inauguration Day, I hope to see all the Rockettes out there dancing.

Isn’t it funny how Russians spying is ok, because they “were just doing the job journalists were supposed to”, but when journalists are doing their job it’s deceitful and cowardly? So funny, so weird how that happens.

And look out if you see that asshole popping tictacs.

James Dolan should be ashamed of’s all about the $$$ with this prick.

According to Emily Post’s Etiquette, the only excuse for denying a Presidential invitation is illness or deep mourning. Based upon how everyone I know feels about the inauguration of a Trump Presidency, I think they could be easily excused on the basis of either condition. 

Her secret recording was deceitful and cowardly and has betrayed all of her fellow Rockettes. Posting this story is beneath the ethical standards of Hearst.

Dear Company, eat a bag of dicks.

From what I can see they weren’t asked. Lets face it, Obama could do better than a popular dance troupe.

“I mean, it just sounds like you’re asking us to be tolerant of intolerance,” a dancer said in response.

loyalty goes both ways. Somewhere along the line we decided companies have no responsibility to be loyal, but employees still do. Same as with the housing crisis - a bank taking your house as stipulated in the contract is fine, but you walking away from an underwater mortgage losing both your entire investment and

“In response, Dolan demanded ‘subservience’ from the dancers”

The real cowards are people like Dolan and the RNC who literally can’t deal with being criticised.