
Not that anyone asked:

Not that anyone asked:

Right-wingers have an extremely narrow idea of what constitutes attractive.

The idea that this “squad” would have any effect on women’s votes [1] is an insult to the intelligence of American women.

…this is not your granddad’s GOP anymore!

A glass of Jeeves’ hangover cure, served on a silver salver. 

“Youth ministry” seems to be a haven for guys who who are either so dumb you can practically hear a rattle when they move their heads, or who figure they can get away with abusing the kids [1] without anyone noticing, or both.

Flash-forward 5-10 years:

Look, white people who have a problem with POC [1] are looking at a very near future where they aren’t a majority anymore—and freaking out.

Note: Heart cells (cardiomyocytes) grown in a lab dish will beat together.

Once again, foreigners are doing jobs that Americans could be doing for themselves.

Henrietta Lacks’s cells, removed from her without permission while she was treated for cancer . . .

Apparently, it’s how the Post describes clothes that look like his mother still picks them out for him. That haircut too.

Obvious point: It is in the financial and personal interests of Trump and his family that the US prosecutors’ offices in general, and the SDNY office in particular, stay empty and in disarray as long as possible.

It was, and not only for the reason you’re thinking.

It appears that, despite the fact that he was, y’know, getting sworn in as President of the United States, Trump took time out of his busy schedule to rip his wife a new one all the way to the White House.

I know.

Not just abortion:

Me too, but it’s cold comfort considering how much damage he’s going to do—including getting people killed.

Close, but IMO, you’re still giving them a little too much credit.

They complain about PC, but what could be more PC than these endless op-eds on how the Democrats should have have considered the needs of . . . well, lazy, gullible white people with freaking massive entitlement issues? [1]