
Decent progressive-minded people live in every single red state. I do! (Texas.) It is tough! But goddamn if it isn’t necessary, and sometimes rewarding, and you know what? I hope to turn this great and flawed state blue-ish before I die (hopefully not young, of an aneurysm.)

I rarely comment here, but as an adult women who loves oral and anal sex (yes, we’re real, and no, I have never been a victim of sexual abuse, since I know you’re going to assume), fuck you. If you honestly think these things are objectively degrading and humiliating, then you should seriously seek therapy for what

All of your crazy ideas about what men think can be mollified by actually talking to them. But that’s too difficult is it? Easier to be a bigot who just jumps to conclusions about what people who don’t look like you think. People’s sex lives are not for you to police. 

Oh my god stop with all the fucking pearl-clutching. I’ve been watching porn since the dial-up days, and I have a perfectly healthy view of women, and a lovely wife who, wait for it, also watches porn! Sometimes we even watch it together! Stop worrying about what makes other people cum. It doesn’t concern you.

FYI you are being ridiculously patronising and dismissive when you suggest women who give blowjobs in a relationship are just forcing themselves to do it so their relationships don’t collapse. Kind of gross how you demand the whole world should have sex the same way you do or else they are either monsters or victims.

I think that saying porn has “ruined” men is a vast over-generalization. I am an older millenial who has generally dated men my age or a few years older (i.e, men who grew up with access to online porn as teenagers). I have yet to encounter any man who demands sex acts like choking or anal from the very first

I named my ginger boycat brothers Bartleby and Loki because of this movie.

Yaaas I love Jesus memes

The main takeaway from this election: the bulk of Mormons genuinely believe the ethical redlines in their scriptures, the bulk of evangelicals are exactly the craven amoral fucknuts everyone else has always suspected.

Best lesson I learned in 7th grade, never travel to someone elses neighborhood to fight them. If you can’t lure them to your block, beat them up on the bus (or some other neutral territory).

She’s a young woman, so he doesn’t take her seriously as a journalist.

“Ladies, ladies. Don’t fuss over politics. So complex and boring. Why, you’ll give yourself forehead wrinkles thinking about that stuff. You just concern yourself with those sexy thigh-high boots, alrighty?”

Thats what made Anthony Weiner so shocking, he was a Dem. 100% of the time I see scandal and automatically assume it’s a Republican

Or, a term the talk radio loved the last eight years, low-information voters.

Yeah the feigned innocence is getting old.

Feel free to substitute the words “evil” or “selfish” for stupid as well.

Remember the idiots who voted for Brexit and were shocked when it passed, because their vote was an anti-establishment “protest” vote and not an actual endorsement of Brexit and it was safe to do so ‘cause the polls said Brexit wouldn’t pass anyway? I guarantee millions who voted for Trump did so as some kind of

This is off topic but the Social Security changes really worry me. My children all receive Social Security Survivor Benefits (my husband passed away). We depend on that money to replace his income. It’s been a huge part of why I’ve continued to be able to give my kids some stability and keep them in the same school

Right. I sort of don’t like casting Trump supporters as naive. You had to be willfully ignorant to not get the agenda Trump and Co. were pushing. You had to cling to your stupidity with tenacity, basically putting your hands over your ears and screaming “nah nah nah, I can’t hear you” while the rest of us desperately

Every headline should be Trump supporters: stupid as fuck.