
People complaining about liberals whining about the election results because we’re so losers need to get a fucking grip on reality. The majority of Americans despise Trump and disagree with him on almost everyone. He won the vote of a very small minority of people and won because of an antiquatedly outdated system

Right? These assholes and their hatred of PC culture despise words like “trigger warnings” yet they are triggered so fucking easily. Don’t forget that they’re also boycotting Hamilton, a show that they can’t even get into.

The “snowflake” thing went out the window when Trump+Pence complained about the theater (which was laughable anyway, the cast simply asked him to be fair to everyone and Trump called that rude).

Kelloggs used to unknowingly run ads on breitbart. People alerted them to this and they decided to stop. And conservatives have now taken issue with a corporations sincerely held belief that they don’t want to be associated with white supremacy.

Ha I’m donating to Planned Parenthood in my Grandparents in Laws name this year. Screw ‘em & their Trump voting.

Right? I feel like we’re in the mess we’re in now because they got their wittle fee fees hurt because most of us believe that everyone should be treated nicely and equally. How dare we!

I have to laugh that it’s always the left labeled special snowflakes when grown ass adult Trump supporters are fighting with Broadway, Starbucks and Kelloggs all at once. Boycott Froot Loops and Pop-Tarts!

And then I’m sent right back to being horrified about Donald mocking the disabled reporter.

If that’s actually true, and they dragged that poor boy on stage for photo ops, I have even more reason to hate The Donald.

Not sure if anyone else has addressed this, but Barron attends Columbia Grammar & Prep. Hard to imagine they’d tolerate any kids with special needs. Maybe very high functioning autism. Maybe.

Daddy might have considered that before he decided to jerk off his own ego by campaigning.

I was talking about Trump, not his son. I didn’t clarify that very well, after reading what I wrote.

Hey, you know what wouldn’t have disrupted his life?

Whatever Donald Trump gets, Donald Trump deserves.

Really Barron’s the only person among the Trump family that I actually feel compassion for. The poor kid never stood a chance.

Somehow I doubt that protecting Barron is Trump’s concern. He does come the era in which children with emotional and physical issues were still regularly sent off to “boarding schools” or other “special homes”. After all, that’s pretty much what Trump’s family did with him when his outbursts got out of hand.

Hawaii? How about every time Barack Obama went out to get a burger?

I do actually feel bad for this kid—yes, he’s a silver spoon little boy, but he didn’t ask for this shit show. Unlike his adult siblings, he has no choice. I don’t blame Melania for wanting to be far away from Orange Hitler. Makes me like her maybe a microscopic amount. At least she didn’t trot Barron out like some

While it is completely none of our business if he is autistic, I actually thinking sharing that would make Melania seem a little bit more compassionate as a mom. Not so much the sperm donor (I barfed a little there)

I trust that all the conservatives who complained about the expense and inconvenience every time the Obamas visited Hawaii will be up in arms.