
Pretty sure she didn’t want that specific face, either, but Trump wouldn’t shut up about how she was looking old and needed work. And now she looks like an eternally puzzled deerwife who hasn’t yet figured out where Trump has hidden her skin.

Botox gone bad.

Unlikely. Pence has the look of a man who has never touched his own weenie, let alone someone else’s.

Many people are saying that Pence went through gay conversion therapy and it’s really sad. I’m not saying Mike Pence is a sloppy party bottom that went through gay conversion therapy, but important people - all the best people - so many people - you don’t realize how many people are saying this.

his supporters won’t care. thats the sick thing, they will never fucking care. they kept a bitch out of office.

Dear God, please let there be gay porn in his emails. Gay porn he stars in.

And as soon as I win this election I will be suing every one of them.

There’s a story in The Informers (probably inspired by Bret Easton Ellis’ own touching relationship with his dear old dad) in which college age pre American Psycho Tim Price is trapped in Hawaii with his abusive father at a posh resort. After a few awkward efforts at bonding with the kid, what ends up happening is

Right? Like, I can’t even be angered at his overly-entitled temperment. It’s just, sad. If I were to run into him I’d look into his eyes with all sincerity and say, dude, I don’t know what he did to you, but you need to get help.

Here is how Trump stories go.... if Trump comes off like a rich, pompous dick, it’s probably true. If he or his ilk come off caring, nice or loving it’s completely horse shit.

Alzheimer’s is never funny, but damn this made me laugh!

Remember her that Trump wants her to vote only on November 28th.

My 96 year old grandma has dementia. She repeats herself every five minutes. She asks the same questions over and over. She mixes up people and when things happened in time.

Remember how many of us were like, “I hope Obama doesn’t get assassinated during his inaugeration.” Well, I wish I could say I am not thinking the same about Clinton. 


I want her to get to it. Heard a guy randomly threaten her in the street yesterday. “I’ll get Clinton. Got a .358 magnum.” This election was insane from the start, and has now gotten dangerous.

I am so fucking ready to see this woman get her Inauguration Day.

“ taxidermic gopher”

Very excellent point.

Worst Christmas ever is happening right now as I am studying for the February Bar. No family celebrations for me. Everyone (I mean everyone) is out of town. It's just me, the cat, and the dog. I guess it could be worse...