
He’s got the values you get when you’ve never thought about anything for longer than 30 seconds.

This must be one reason they tell ex-presidents not to badmouth current presidents and vice-versa: sometime, you’re going to have to do something together.

In the wake of what happened in Dallas: C’mon you fucks, say something about “a good guy with a gun.” I dare you.

So did I.

Am I the only one who momentarily figured that a reconnaissance Marine understood both the humanities and the sciences?

This is such bullshit. The Republicans ripped their reputations apart. And they used the taxpayers’ money to do it.

In other words, Bill refused to help Congressional Republicans destroy the reputation of a women with whom he’d had consensual sex; and his wife (assuming that your quote is accurate) reacted to her the way most women might to a woman who knowingly did her husband.

By the Clintons, not so much.
By the Republicans? Well, they want to pretend that a consensual beej that happened 20 years ago was—and still is—the worst thng ever. So what would that make her?
What happened to Ms.Lewinsky wasn’t so much victim-blaming as collateral damage from vicious, grossly irresponsible,

Good catch. Even by cop standards, Holtzclaw is a monumental asshole. Can you imagine trying to work with this guy? It’s not simply that he abused his power as a PO. It’s also—as this interview makes clear—that he has massive entitlement issues [1] and zero sense of responsibility, and takes genuine pleasure in

Unfortunately, he’s a large, predatory shit-heel who likes to rape, and has zero remorse about it.


Meh. This is like saying that Democrats are the real racist party, because half a century ago, Dixiecrats existed.

You know what else? In this country, a real black baby is more than twice as likely to die in its first year than a white baby.

I’m sure you’re right, that “abortion doctor” is meant as a perjorative by these assholes.
But that doesn’t mean we should go along with it.
Surgeons often make their livings by specializing in a particular procedure, which is why you sometimes see facilities that do nothing but cataract surgeries or hip replacements.

Trump’s success in this race has highlighted the disconnect between the GOP leadership (and its courtiers, such as Will, Douthat, Noonan, and most of the Washington press corps) and its rank-and-file.

It makes it sound like abortions are the only thing these doctors do. . .

Absolutely guaranteed that most, if not all,of the Congressional Republicans who vote this down will have campaigned on their claims of undying concern for the Unborn.

People at my work pray all the time and I work for a pretty big media company and I’m agnostic.

Yes, and as long as schools insist on having cops on their campuses, you’d expect—at the very least—for them to undergo training in dealing with rowdy children.

And also pro-keeping women fighting each other.