
My hypothesis is that, although chastity is supposed to be a sacrifice for members of the priesthood, it tends to attract the sort of guys for whom not having anything to do with icky, icky sex is a feature rather than a bug.

The Republicans are the party of fiscal responsibility. Republicans believe that the role of the federal government is largely military, and work to reduce the amount of taxpayer money being used for social programs.

My mom supports Trump.

“The idea that just because you are a woman you should be supporting more than a negligible percentage of women who end up voting for Hillary Clinton will do so because they give a flying crap which gender she is I think is false is emblematic of the contempt Republicans hold for women’s intellects and political needs

So are their parents.

Here ya go:

I want every Republican female to sign a pledge that she never had, and never will have, an abortion—and is willing to submit to Ceausescu-style monitoring [1] so we can all be impressed by her virtue.

You know Tay-Sachs babies tend to be Jewish, right?

Something like 90% of women choose to terminate T21 pregnancies,

Bear in mind that among ostensibly “pro-life” pregnant women who find out that they’re carrying Down Syndrome fetuses, at least 80% terminate.

Can you imagine what a disaster Trump would be for foreign relations?

Eh. Look, when someone transitions, I think everyone should accept it, if only because it’s just plain good manners to do so.

I confess that I’m often appalled at the number of trans-women whose transitions never quite included giving up mansplaining—particularly telling cis-women what it means to be a woman, or (as Jenner has the fucking nerve to do here), contending that electing a creep like Trump as POTUS would be “good for women”—and

In either case, if this jackass was your father and you were having sex—hell, if you were just thinking about sex—would you let him in on it?

Are you seriously suggesting that if she had any actual scandals, Congressional Republicans would do anything less than produce the biggest media circus since the OJ trial?

Basically, she used the same email set-up that US Secretaries of State have been using since email’s been a thing.

What’s that German word for “a face that needs a fist . . . and also some ProActiv”?

On the list of things that you strongly suspect but can’t ever prove:

She’s the Democrats’ equivalent of John Boehner—a high party official of such monumental incompetence that you just can’t see how she’s still got a job. HR 4018 aside, where in the national fuck is our 50-state strategy?

Yes, but as you imply, he’s playing to this crowd—essentially just telling them whatever he figures they want to hear. And to give him credit, he’s got a great instinct for what that is.