
As nominee, his campaign will consist of:

I’m glad you said that, as it so completely typifies what passes for political thought among you apologists for the GOP.

. . . Jeb’s total failure as a presidential candidate is an embarrassment to the Bush family . . .

Those days when people didn’t campaign on their gender or race?

Easy—for the Democratic nominee in November. And either Bernie or Hillary in the primary [1].

There are a lot of sports that I’m not especially interested in. But football is the only one that I actively despise—primarily because of its reliable support for smug, ill-mannered fuckknuckles with massive entitlement issues, from middle school to the NFL.

Never been there myself, but considering that the state legislature can’t find any better use of its time and the state’s resources than trying to micromanage everyone’s sex life and gender issues, it must be a fucking paradise.

IOW, Allen wants in on that suh-weet Kim Davis media whore action.

Obviously, the Pepto-pink-on-every-fucking-thing aspects are trivial.

. . . which makes it all the harder to see that they’re being taken advantage of.

Oh, it’s better than that. He reportedly wouldn’t let anyone into his study group who had attended “the lesser Ivies”—Harvard, Yale and Princeton only.

If you really press anti-abortion types, no matter how articulate or well-read, sooner or later, the slut-shaming always comes out. Reliably. You can count on it.

I just figured an anti-choice politician might need to use a little discretion.

Nah. I think that after her monstrously abusive excuse for a mother was flat-out too shiftless to fly her own bony ass down to Seattle and get an abortion (as at least 80% of “pro-life” women do when they find out they’re carrying a Down Syndrome fetus), she was also too lazy to take care of the baby herself.

Preferably with Davis on Obergefell’s left, so he can spend the entire speech flashing his wedding ring at her [1]

So a woman who refused to do her government job has become the poster girl for the “government doesn’t work” crowd.

The money’s good? Uh, it’s not her money.

As Republicans, Snyder’s “emergency manager” appointees will, as a rule, transfer any community assets to private firms (that just happen to be Republican-owned) for well below market value—for the “community’s own good,” of course. This not only fits in with the GOP’s business plan, but is apparently the sole reason

Might” being the operative word here. As in “Lindsay Graham might be the next President of the United States.” Or “I might win the lottery.”

Seriously? Probably not much.