
Or, as my mom put it, “If homosexuality were a choice, do you really think women would put up with all this crap?”

Inserting themselves into women’s reproductive decisions (and thinking—for hours, I’m sure—about what the dirty, dirty sluts did to require such decisions) may not be as close to getting laid as these cretins have ever been, but it’s certainly as close as they deserve.

As you might know, the US has a shamefully high infant mortality rate.

The actual mechanics of reproduction are kind of complicated for a small kid. But you might start with pointing out that women with a certain shape have babies in them.

“ . . . predatory racism . . .”

Can some Christian explain something to me?

Although that would be a fascinating subject for another post, note that this is not only about nurses specifically, but that a growing percentage of them are men.

Oh. Fuck. No.


You wouldn’t have a link to these policies, by any chance?

Hillary Clinton doesn’t become a supporter of the movement for racial justice until she puts together a specific policy plan and really tries to get it implemented.

“Pleasing” these people, in this case, means laying out policy.

Is This the Whitest Picture Ever?

The fact that Bible bangers are the world’s worst fucks doesn’t help matters.

You have to understand, most of what passes for “conservative” thought in the US is essentially a large-scale grift of the dumbest people in the country. That’s what Huckabee is doing here—hustling hicks. That’s what his diabetes “cure” was, that’s what all his political campaigns are.

CNM, hell—even I’m better trained than most lay midwives, and all I have is a baby [1] and an expired EMT-B certification.

To any lay midwives reading this:

I had midwives too. And when my labor went on too long, they called the OB they work with and got me to a hospital. If I’d gone into labor before week 37—like these idiots’ baby—or after week 42, they would have done the same.

Midwives (including nurse-midwives with licenses and tons of training and all that) are supposed to be able to do two things:

I think this sort of insanity is what drives people to become atheists.