
Nota bene—”note well.” Latin.

No hyperbole, no snark, no joke: They literally and specifically mean that you’ll get whatever punishment is meted out to sinners in their religion.

NB, a 1st-trimester abortion costs a few hundred bucks, most of which [1] goes to lab tests and such.

According to the Sacramento Bee, they argue that the law, “at minimum... unconstitutionally compels (the clinics) to speak messages that they have not chosen, with which they do not agree, and that distract, and detract from, the messages they have chosen to speak.”

Sharpest-looking 85-year-old man you ever saw.

There’s corrupt—and then there’s Republicans’ use of the word “corrupt” to describe a popular Democrat.

Bear in mind when you read this drivel that Louisiana has BY FAR the highest rate of gun deaths of any state in the union. [1]

Interestingly, both this lie and the one about the rally in Peru serve no discernible purpose for Davis’s lawyer. AND he’s not even bothering to be plausible—a minute on Google is enough to dispel any doubts.

Look, if (for example) your grandmother claimed that her grandma was, say, Welsh, would you fact-check your grandmother or just take her word for it?

Shut up people.

Just a guess, but it’s possible that they had bought the airtime based entirely on the demographics and the cost of the spots (i.e., The View looked good on paper), but hadn’t actually bothered to watch the show (which is pretty vapid at best).

Yes, of course we should vote.

Don’t you think the other prisoners are suffering enough?

I suspect that she is suffering the usual fate of monumentally gullible people with good incomes: A large percentage of that $80,000 a year is probably going to someone else, probably her oh-so-pious husband, his family, and/or their pastor.

You know, like a clear majority of American voters, I voted for President Obama—twice—because I thought he was a better choice than his opponents: smarter, harder working, better organized, better informed, and far less likely to either fuck up everything he touches or sell it to the highest bidder (the historical

I think you can count every member of a racial minority in Wasilla on your fingers and toes. If they haven’t killed the Palins yet, they probably aren’t going to.

It’s not as if she’s likely to know any.

Considering that most of his answers rely almost entirely on the most simplistic religiosity, I suspect that the good doctor is—no joke, no snark, no hyperbole—losing his cognitive abilities.

I’m sure you’ve noticed that he couldn’t quite bring himself to explain what this putatively balancing information would be.

Am I the only vote for a pair of fancy short black gloves? I figure they’d emphasize that expanse of skin from the shoulders.