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Crazy people go in for crazy religions (or specifically, the rationalization of their delusions, which such religions facilitate).

It’s increasingly apparent that Ms. Davis and her ilk sincerely, honest-to-God, no-snark, no-hyperbole, believe that the 1st Amendment entitles them to use public resources, including public offices and taxpayers’ money [1], to proselytize and otherwise impose their religious beliefs on others, and that not being

Forgive me if this seem off-topic, but you know that presidential election we’re having next year?

Ballet dancers can do these insane leaps, those standing high jumps while spinning—mainly because they train 4 hours a day or so, same as any other professional athlete.

Aside from everything else, as an unapologetically patriotic American, I could not be more offended by this bitch’s pretense that she was somehow defending our country by whining about the language in which the workers conversed with each other.

This particular argument—that these assholes are champions against black genocide—just kills me.

Are these people aware that the Jews can hear them?

I’m guessing that she makes more than he does—assuming that he even has a job—and that her income is a much bigger factor in him not wanting her to resign than their delicate little consciences are.

Yeah, you don’t see them mentioned at all in websites like Jezebel . . . oh, wait a minute.

I’m pretty sure that’s the point.

Thus demonstrating that the daughter’s decision not to tell her was well-founded.

Five bucks says that pastor took a swing or two at the missus.

You probably shouldn’t post when you’re wasted.

. . . with nine out of 10 babies with Down syndrome being aborted . . .

Speaking very generally, one of the major differences between the parties is that if you elect a Democrat, you get that Democrat, the one you elected—formulating policy, deciding what to do and say, and otherwise fulfilling the obligations of his or her office.

Bless his RH. He seems to be attempting to singlehandedly bring back the non-wedding boutonnière—a detail of men’s attire that should never have been allowed to wither.

Whenever I hear this argument, I’m reminded that REAL black babies in America die at third-world rates—and no, that’s not hyperbole, it’s why the US has such a disgraceful overall infant mortality rate. White and Asian-American babies do fine, whereas African-American (and Native American) babies die so often that

I don’t suppose you remember Yardley cosmetics? Their lipsticks and glosses had a fragrance that I’ve never smelled anywhere else, but I’m sure would take me back to my preteen years immediately.

That famous beej happened almost two decades ago. The participants—both consenting adults—weren’t anyone you’ve ever personally met (and even if you had—did I mention that it happened 2 decades ago?)

No, they’re claiming that PP is selling baby parts.