
This guy has had his daughters’ entire lives to talk to them, to make it clear to them what his values are, and to make his best argument as to why his daughters should hold those values as well.

Any progressive/liberal/Democrat/left-of-center person who’s heard our right-wing counterparts explain economics has probably noticed that finance is a particularly ripe field for this sort of delusion.

Added later: Reportedly, Ms. Bland did discuss having depression on her Facebook page. (I can’t access that page, so I can’t verify whether she this is true, or any details, such as whether she was treated for it). Nevertheless, the cops’ lying is the more likely explanation at this point.

Yeah, but there’s zero evidence that she actually had any depression, and she doesn’t seem depressed in her video, nor does having the emotional and physical energy to drive cross-country for a new job suggest depression. Furthermore, Black Americans are substantially less likely to be treated for depression than

Or simply killed her outright, leading the cops to fabricate the most plausible story they could come up with: Claim she killed herself and hope nobody looks at this assertion too carefully.

My guess would be that they managed to kill her—unintentionally—through the sort of manhandling that was so clearly on display in that video. So the reason she was in jail after three days was because it took the cops a couple of days to agree on a a cover-up.

I absolutely agree with you. Free speech doesn’t mean shit unless it extends to odious speech.

Yeah. A certain percentage of married people get divorced.

Because [Your City’s Name Here] is getting a HUGE percentage of team’s ownership in return, including the stadium itself, percentages of the gate and concessions, and the part where the team doesn’t get sold (or threatened to be sold) to L.A. or wherever.

If you’d said that a month ago, I’d have agreed with you.

I don’t entirely disagree with you.

It’s adorable that you think there’s some correlation between being rich and being smart.

I know this is the minority view, but cut her some slack, y’all.
Here’s this conservative Republican lady who suddenly had to make what must seem to her to be a huge shift in how she does an important part of her job.
The complaint here seems to be that she wasn’t able to make this change instantaneously between Friday

Or that she really, really needs to put some distance between herself and her mother.

Call those fuckers and make sure that they apply the extra money to your principal (i.e, so you owe less.) Otherwise they’ll pretend it was an interest payment in advance.

I apologize if this is too obvious to mention, but know your damn measurements. Write them down. Check them periodically and after a weight gain/loss, and compare them against size charts (which vary among clothing lines, but can be usually found online). Shopping for clothes is a lot easier if you don’t have to waste

So when they talk about not negotiating with terrorists, they mean other terrorists.

And admit that they, and not women, are responsible for controlling themselves? Un-unh.

Somewhere in Kenya, the gentle readers of The Nairobian are looking at this story and thinking “uh, the Obamas do know that Felix Kiprono is kidding, right?”

In his defense, it’s not as if any of those kids, including Josh, are actually encouraged to develop anything resembling mature practical or moral judgement.