
For that matter, wife #1 also looks humiliated.

I think he—and most of the forced-birth crowd—honest-to-God, no hyperbole, view us as a form of breeding stock. Our objections carry about as much weight with these monsters as it would if we were farm animals.

The thing is, the people who are going after her are the same ones who’ve made bullshit accusations about her and her husband—with the greatest possible fanfare, and usually at taxpayer expense (hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth at this point)—for the last 20 years.

If you want to talk about their hypocrisy, we can do that.

Yes, but we all knew he was eventually going to step in this particular cow-pat, did we not?

Bear in mind that laws against conversion therapy for minors don’t simply protect minors. They also protect their parents.

Yes, she will. She’ll win in a walk. At this point, the only question is whether she’s wearing a dress or a pantsuit to her inaugural.

I’m sure she’s wonderful, but as you’re probably aware, “wacko” and “not giving any sort of fuck” are also characteristics of the senile.

I don’t believe Yoko is senile.

Oh, fuck, no. Wine only.

You know, the majority of young people and women now believe . . .

You worry about it because you’re a good person.

That, and their remarkably tight-fisted pay-wall policy.

What were they going to play if she’d said “no”?

My apologies for my snippiness.

It might.


Yes, because patients are ordinarily compensated for whatever happens to their surgical specimens; even the slightest bit of evidence exists that suggests Mrs. Lacks’ treatment was in any way affected by what happened to her tissue sample; patients’ consent for use of bits that were usually thrown in the trash was a

Why do you think that Mrs. Lacks belongs on this list?

The thing is, the ethos of these orders hasn’t changed that much since the 60s. So the idea that they all suddenly went apostate is total crap.