
Yeah, but that’s probably not what’s happening here.

Well, of course she didn’t. She did it because she’s an asshole. The first excuse (Jesus!) didn’t work, so she rolled out this one about off-label drugs. If that doesn’t work, it’ll be something about her allergies acting up or some other stupid crap—whatever excuse she can think of for bullying a woman who was

It’s not really clear if religion makes people act like assholes, or if religion’s facility to generate excuses for despicable behavior is a magnet for people who were assholes to begin with. (Possibly both—chicken/egg.)

No real complaints. He's the world's best ex-husband.

Sorry, Troll.

It’s not clear what your point is, as both Gore and Kerry would have been vastly better presidents than Bush.

According to whom? The GOP, who wasted every resource Congress had for the calendar year 1998 plus another $70 million in taxpayers’ money, trying to frame her husband—and managed to come up with a beej from a consenting adult?

Yes, and it’ll probably get him as far as the nomination—which is voted on by rank-and-file Republicans, who have spent 7 years seeing how far they can move from the actual American center.

You overestimate the effect of some historical pattern over the lingering stench of the last Republican administration, and the fact the the Rs have gone completely batshit and are recognized as such by most American voters.

. . . which is why Hillary’s husband can campaign for her, do interviews and make speeches, with some expectation that he’ll bring some votes—in no small part by reminding people of how well this country was doing before Jeb’s brother got his hands on it.

No shit, if this is something you do, you need to stop conning yourself that you're "sociable."

Pearl River is the only reason I ever subject myself to Soho. It's basically a grossly crowded, astronomically overpriced chain-store mall pretending to be a neighborhood.

Good point.

You’d scream?

Now playing

No joke, it’s a thin, thin line for some [1], especially in really cloistered religions like the black-hat orthodox, among whom behavior that would set off alarm bells in the secular world passes as pious. (Their freaking endless rules and rituals also tend to normalize OCD.)

Five bucks says this jackass identifies as “pro-life.”

Offer to Help the Host”

Here’s how discrimination works: when you say you’re not going to serve a group of people because of who they, say, fuck, you’re a bigot/discriminatory…

The interesting part is, just as he's taking orders-of-magnitude longer than anyone else to figure out that his "Oh, I had no idea this law could be used for discrimination" shtick is falling flat, so it's going to be months—years, maybe—before he realizes that he's pissing away his political career right now.

These dirtbags would really prefer to pay her nothing at all.