
"Everybody wants free money in Pine Bluff."

IIANAL, but are there precedents for higher standards where important conflicting rights are concerned?

Yes, they like lost causes, but taking a dive on a suit like this would make an increasingly inconvenient law go away without too much loss of face.

Now playing

Not that Pence doesn't deserve every bit of humiliation imaginable, but to get him to change this law, we'll probably need to let him figure out a way of saving face.

Lucky you.

You really do need to make the distinction sometimes, and reproduction is one of those times (the main one, I think). Not every discussion of sex is about gender identity.

N0te that the "some women feel bad afterwards" standard is not applied to anything else.

Yes, because carrying a pregnancy to term imposes absolutely no physical, medical, financial or emotional burden on a woman.

Nunh-unh. Say what you like about Dubya, but he had the nicest ass of any president in living history. And Hillary, bless her, has the punim of a well-kept-up 60-something lady.

There's this cultural idea among some evangelicals that spending good money for something like having your clothes properly tailored is frivolous, vain, self-indulgent, etc.

I don't know the details, but I imagine that if you're in college on a sports scholarship and you get kicked off the team, you might find it difficult to remain in school. Especially if you're as much of an idiot as this guy.

The worrisome bit (and probably why he's paying such polite attention) is that Republican politicians honest-to-God believe that people like her are genuinely representative of the American people as a whole. They think the Americans who consider President Obama to be a reasonable man with whom they should cooperate

Yes. The poorest or 2nd-poorest state in the Union is about to piss away money it hasn't got to fight an obviously losing legal battle.

"We understand the conflict of well-intended people struggling to find balance with this issue."

Well, when I was a child, it was a normal childhood disease. Being a more-or-less normal child, I had it.

Because claiming that Obama will support gay marriage wasn't working anymore.

It's not so much that Hillary is liked as that she's preferred.

Recently, a gentleman in his 70s was telling me about swimming in the ocean off Brighton Beach (the one next to Coney Island) sometime during the Nixon Administration, when a lady he'd never seen before swam nearby, who was stark naked and holding something in her hand that turned out to be her bathing suit—the idea

The guy he gave the kids to was also employed as a "youth" pastor.