
Oh yes—and the child rapist to whom they handed those little girls was a "teacher" there.

Were any of them "Have sex with a consenting adult"?

Not only that. I don't know the Ex-Cops, but I expect that at this stage of their careers, they're probably not breaking even as musicians (i.e., [cost of being in the band] > [money the band makes]).

I get the part where the artist is entitled to turn down the deal.

I don't know that "lie" is the word, exactly. As you must have noticed, these Tea Party types have a near-psychotic disconnect with reality.

. . . and then they let Republicans make environmental policy.

Oh no—let's hear the SOB refute all the accusing tongues. I'm sure it'll be fascinating.

Yeah. I'm particularly put off when he says he's against vaccinations because "we don't know how they work."

Yes. I'm on good terms with both of my dear hubbies emeriti, but if I claimed this in our respective divorce proceedings, either of them would have a bit happier, and much more amused.

In an ideal world, Harper Lee would publicly inform him that he clearly hadn't a clue what her book was about, like Marshall McLuhan in Annie Hall.

Yes, but the pre-Roe era wasn't exactly a picnic for men either.

Oh, they'd be all for it.

We already have them. They're called "coffins."

Five bucks says that either Cox has a financial interest in the company that makes these baby boxes, or had his palm greased by someone who does.

Yes, he might be a total shit and a lousy father. Or he might be a divorced/unmarried dad who shows up on the regular and helps out financially (and otherwise) as best he can.


These tattle-tale laws are a government subsidy to shitty, self-absorbed, reality-challenged parents.

Crap. You're right.

Nothing makes me as aware of my age (62) as the realization of how much my experiences at a particular age differ from those of people who are about that age currently.