
Yeah—I do science editing and medical studies tend to use "female" and "male" to describe subjects. It's not inappropriate, but even there, I prefer to change it to "women" and "men," out of respect for these patients, whose lives are (or were) tough enough without the indignity of being described in the literature

You do realize that in the unlikely event that Hickabee and Beyonce ever ran against each other for president, by the time Election Day rolled around, Huckabee would be sobbing his way through a concession speech before the polls even opened.

I had measles before the vaccine was available, and got through it without residual problems.

Oh look! Whichever wingnut PR flunky ass-kissed his/her way into handling the NRCC's Twitter feed made a joke!

Have you ever heard of Muslims or Jews leaving cards with Muhammad or the Lubavitcher Rebbe in lieu of a tip?

Did anyone else feel compelled to Google "herringbone milking parlor"?

"Jindal knows full well that an amendment to the U.S. Constitution will never actually happen."

I think the point of that statement wasn't so much about what he thinks of SSM as a dog whistle to the Bible-bangers in his audience that he too is a washed-in-the-blood Christian of the slack-jawed park-your-brain-outside [1] variety.

She ran unopposed last election (last November).

The most obvious victims of conversion therapy are homosexual minors, but the parents are vics too (even if less sympathetic).

It also requires a choice of some sort. Kern ran unopposed in last November's election.

Actually, of the three pieces of legislation, the conversion therapy is the only one that's really worrisome.

The logic here is: Because some women regret their abortions, we should ban abortion.

That's one of the two things about this story that just floor me. Feminized? Feminized? When in living memory was the RC Church especially butch? It's not as if there was some point when the priests all nipped out for a cattle drive, or to raise the flag on Iwo Jima, or save Daria and Jane, or some other manly

Obvious point: If one of these shitheads had knocked me up, I'd be at an abortion clinic so fast, it would tear a hole in the space-time continuum—and I expect that the women about whom they have the fucking gall to apologize about felt roughly the same.

I think he's Baptist, but y'know, 6 of one . . .

Can you imagine what his wife's life must be like?
