
Are you aware that she's in the entertainment business?

This is somewhat OT (for which I apologize), but you're describing a pattern among the GOP: the characterization of any program or policy that actually benefits average Americans as "welfare."

Obviously, it depends on which laws they're flouting.

Is there any evidence to suggest that the "low delayers" in that famous experiment were simply children whose parents tended to renege on promises? Such a condition would likely make them both wary at that age of their chances of acquiring a marshmallow in the near future, and disadvantaged in many ways going forward.

Nah. It's just that it's too hard to hassle the unborn about their sex lives.

They've been shit-heels for the last 6 years, they were shit-heels for the 8 years before that, they were shit-heels during the Clinton Administration and they were shit-heels all last year—and young people, minorities and women still couldn't be bothered to get off their respective asses and go vote.

Y'know, Bush claimed to have suddenly stopped drinking after decades of being a trust-fund country-club drunk—but exactly how plausible is that?

They have reliably pulled this shit for each and every state dinner.

Aside from everything else, can you imagine how these guys treat their kids and wives ex-wives?

Sleazeball though he was, Nixon seems almost statesmanlike if you compare him with his party's current leadership.

Forgive the obvious-stating, but when people say that homosexuality is a choice, this is the choice they mean.

Wait, do YOU think it's not pretty?

This is rather OT, as the poisoned and doomed creatures are horses instead of people, but sad just the same:

10%? I don't think it's even that high in the Bible Belt.

Particularly as it's a standard that virtually nobody in modern America accepts. Really, how many people do you know were virgins on their wedding days? Do you know any who are both younger than (say) 50 and not especially religious?

Uh, before this vaccine was available, did you ever even hear of any woman whose sexual behavior was in any way affected by concern over HPV?

That's pretty much their entire reason-to-be.

What would it take to pass a law against having sex with Republicans?

As a rule, anything that's sufficiently well-made that you could use it with pleasure over the course of your life and pass it down, decades from now, to your children (if any) with a plausible supposition that they'd consider it a desirable part of your estate will pay for itself.

This is why "Nonbeliever" is the fastest-growing religious choice: decent people just don't like to be associated with this sort of thing.