
There's a Kruger-Dunning aspect to this. Clearly, Lauten believes not only that she knows how everyone should act and dress,* but that her views on such things are more refined than most people's—which in turn prevents her from comprehending how tacky she is by most Americans' standards. The reaction to her

Somewhat OT, but his sort of thing is (IMO) the biggest driver of "non-believer" as the fastest-growing religious choice—not ads on buses, not Richard Dawkins, not people suddenly thinking "hmm, virgin birth, talking snakes, how plausible is that?"

Good point.

Jeez, a white woman who was born in the 18th century turned out to be racist by modern standards? Wow, that is a scandal!

Whenever I see some cretin claim that abortion is an attack on black people, I'm reminded that not only is America's infant mortality rate a national disgrace, but that a horrifically high percentage of those real dead babies are African-American . . . and that the pro-forced-birth crowd has consistently fought every

If there were anything to their theology, every asshole who claims he's an asshole because God, Jesus or Whoever wants it that way would be frying in Hell the minute their physical body reached room temperature.

Correction: THIRTEEN women (as I've just read).

His wife. Hadn't thought of her.

To my count, that's

Not Communist country—our country.* If you google WPA mural and look at the images, you'll see tons of murals with that look. It was just the style of the times. If you google WPA mural Pullman, you'll see the one etfp posted (although it was apparently painted around 1996, with the style was selected as an homage to

In addition to being careless editors, apparently these chumps also never learned how to use tracking or the comment function in MS Word.

People who pronounce both Ps in "apoptosis."

Adult men outnumber adult women in China, whereas the opposite is true in Western countries, Latin America, Africa and Russia. Presumably, most of them would prefer not sleeping alone, even if it leads to less disposable income.

A concept so fundamental to understanding science that we tend not to notice it, is the difference between a fact and an opinion. Anyone who's endured contemporary political arguments can see how incapable many people are of discerning between the two (and it's even more horrifying when they're talking about science

I (white and in the US) was looking at something there yesterday in the early evening and the whole website went down. (I do not suspect a causal relationship.) It seems to be a common, garden-variety website fail, not directed at anyone in particular.

Texas is the land of Ann Richards, Molly Ivins and Wendy Davis*, so I'm sure there's plenty more where that came from.

. . . every one of them sent by some pork- and shrimp-eating hypocrite who openly prances around wearing cotton-poly blends.

Someone who was apparently raised by wolves, as that is the only reason I can think of for not knowing that letting the other person finish his or her sentence is basic good manners.

That's because Chelsea's folks did the necessary to get their girl into college.