
I don't actually think you're stupid, but it's clear to everyone that your continual wallowing in your own hate has utterly destroyed your ability to think.

Not to be a spoilsport, but one person's list isn't applicable to another.


No cake? Fuck this.

I didn't know what incident you were talking about, so I Googled it. "Sheila Jackson Lee Mars Rover"

I hear you, but I don't think most people react more to animal cruelty than to spousal abuse because of such well-considered reasons.

A friend of mine—an assistant DA—once convicted a guy of assaulting a cat. He got a month in jail. She pointed out to me that, had he assaulted his wife, he might have got a week. Maybe.

Banning sex is probably a sign that your coach is flat-out clutching at straws.

Not that anyone asked, but for most recipes that call for buttermilk, substituting plain yogurt works just fine. They're both cultured milk products, and they both provide the acidity to which the baking soda reacts.

Do NOT eat armadillos! They're the animal reservoir for leprosy. You want your nose to stay right where it is? You want not to have to pretend your bell is some sort of fashion accessory? Well, no armadillo for you!

Not that yours isn't a good point, but considering that most climate-change deniers don't know what the scientific method is, what proof might look like, or the difference between a fact and an opinion, proving a negative looks to be the least of their obstacles to that $10 large.

The big difference is attitude—the apparent disrespect to the people involved, whose bodies, in this case, were apparently tossed out like garbage.

Alternatively, she could be the one the tattoos were warning about.

I'm sure your brother and SIL are great dog-owners, but that's hardly the point.

Misleading how? Really, I am not a lawyer. Not even close.

They are indeed.

What's particularly off-putting is that the family who insists on keeping the dog is (according to the news report) a military family. You'd expect them to respect a soldier's property.

I'm sure there must have been a vociferous argument—simultaneously horrifying and entertaining—against repeal.

. . . to treat facts and science as a matter of opinion.

Going by Wikipedia here…), which agrees with you that it's the 3rd-largest in the US after Judaism and every freaking convention, archdiocese, church, synod and store-front chapel that characterizes itself as Christian. However, that works out to only 0.8% of the US population or