
"a cute girl on a podium means that musicians think about other things".

Not that anyone asked: Christa Faust, who does the hard-boiled sort of thing very well.

Eh. Look, people who say "that Manning guy did us all a service, he doesn't deserve prison, he deserves a parade, I'm writing President Obama to pardon him, and he should have to take any guff about being transgendered*"—maybe they don't "get" transexual identity—but they don't deserve a visit from the pronoun police,

Not that anyone asked: Few men with long hair are going to do this—it's a level of effort that even most women with long hair don't usually bother with.

W/r/t women, some men have trouble discerning between "vexed and confused" and "couldn't give a crap."

I think he honest-to-God believes it means Jobs has rented her for the rest of her life.

I am 60 years old. I am postmenopausal. In my entire life, I never once got through an entire period without getting blood on underwear, sheets or both.

Limbaugh, of course, is the guy who, during his mercifully short-lived TV show in the 90s, referred to a photo of Chelsea Clinton as "the White House dog."[1] [2] [3]

Wait . . . are these people seriously trying to insinuate that someone who anticipates that, in a year or so, he/she is likely to garner the most media attention of anyone on the planet, for a period of a few months to eight years, could actually be so shallow, so crass, so vain, as to prepare for it, in part, by


I don't care how "whole" you are. Determining if, when and how many times you have children is, overwhelmingly, the biggest factor in women's economic lives, for their entire lives—far more influential than this year's employment rate or minimum wage. [1]

Ordinarily, I don't care about typos, as long as the meaning is clear. Everyone makes them.

I think it's going to be a lot worse when she gets elected.

Y'know, if we're going to humor pharmacists who think it's their place to refuse birth control, it isn't asking too much that they be required to put up a sign to that effect, visible to anyone who's thinking about pulling into their parking lot or walking in from the street.

A friend of mine, an elderly ex-seminarian, told me he learned a similar line of encouragement in his school [1]:

You beat me to this. The best use of a coin flip for personal decisions isn't so you can go with whatever the flip indicates, but so you can notice the little frisson of disappointment when the flip goes the opposite of what you really want.

It's okay, but it's hard to take seriously an article that lists motives for older people to get plastic surgery which doesn't include: trying to get laid.

I don't know. My mother has had some work done over the years, and the effect's always been that she looks pretty much like she looked before, only a little more relaxed, and as if you were seeing her in a good light with her make-up just right. Now that she's in her 80s, you can tell that she's had some surgery

Not that anyone asked, but when cells top themselves, it's "appa-toe-sis." Not "ay-pop-toe-sis." The second p is silent, like in Ptolemy.

True story: on 9/11, as I was walking home from my night-shift job in mid-town and people were dead, there was a pillar of smoke-and-Christ-knows-what looming over downtown and (as the subways were down and cars weren't permitted to drive into Manhattan) the sidewalks and streets were filled with crowds of people