
Not that anyone asked, but if you ever get divorced, split up with a live-in lover, etc., when you're splitting up the stuff, try to leave him/her the bed, with all its bad karma.

Thank you.

This is an okay app, but hereabouts (NYC), it only apparently tells you when the subway/bus is coming according to the S/B's formal schedule. I don't know about your town, but public transportation schedules here are more of a general idea. Not to knock the MTA—they do a a tough, complex job well enough that the

According to Wikipedia, Filner was a history professor for > 20 years at San Diego State, and then he was a congressman for a while.

Well, yeah. He's pretty much established his utter lack of comprehension of the entire concept of "inappropriate."

I've never been to Baton Rouge and don't know what sort of reputation their police force enjoys.

Someone told me that the reason Kim Jong-un has that haircut is that his hair is naturally like that of the kid in the above Oval Office picture.

This oil spill picture is surprisingly pretty.

Didn't the Monarch start off as a henchman? Not so hard to see Gary taking over his operation.

It's easy—and really, really cheap—for those who don't have a dog in this fight to imply there's something wrong with a woman who hasn't decided to abandon her home, her child's father, a fair amount of material wealth, and her hopes for her marriage quite fast enough to satisfy customers of tabloid-type news.

I love her too. However, I do not think she is underrated, as we are not alone in this opinion by a long shot.

It is fairly well known as people age they become more conservative.

I have no idea who he's supposed to be. But it's unusual to see cosplay that features a well-turned male figure, no?

No more than a third for me. And that's optimistic.

I (like LaurenShaw) thought she was the lamp in A Christmas Story.

I think the strongest effect of growing up in that sort of milieu on members' personal lives might be their utter, willful cluelessness regarding sexuality—their own or anyone else's. Even hets among the religious Right who want to get married and have kids—i.e., the population this system is thought to

It's nice these kids have supportive people around them and are having fun and all, but I don't think it's a great idea for anyone, especially kids, to be walking around in very high heels on dirt paths and roads (as seen in the photos).

Not that anyone asked, but when you're pregnant, your body acquires a wide range of minor discomforts—extra weight (obviously), greater production of bodily effluents (e.g., sweat, snot), hemorrhoids, various effects of having crowded internal organs, acne, and quite a few other things that are rarely

Not that anyone asked, but for a simple-to-make edible slime: lime Jello.

14.15 centimeters, for those of you who use less-antiquated measuring systems.