
Well, of course she doesn't have a clue. One of the absolute weirdest things about racism is that racists don't know they're racist.

I'm old enough to have seen the original Star Trek when it was first broadcast.


Golden drop of Retsyn.

Aside from the statement's sheer offensiveness, you have to wonder, What time machine did this guy just step out of? Staying at home doing the little homemaker bit hasn't been a viable career choice since before most American women were born.

Lindy, forgive the obvious-stating, but you do realize that (to the extent that conventional attractiveness can be quantified) the posts disparaging your appearance, etc. come from guys who, in real life, will never in their lives ever have relationships with someone as dishy as yourself [1]—not even if they were not

Aside from everything else, the self-possession involved in reading this horrible list in that poised, deadpan voice is extremely impressive.

You know how the GOP had been the party of choice for racists, but they weren't quite so vicious or so deeply associated with the Republican base until President Obama was elected?

Well, if Hillary (or Elizabeth Warren, or any other woman) becomes the Democratic nominee, be ready for an avalanche of sexist ugliness.


For some reason, I supposed that the musical interlude would be this one.

Meat chili: Beans on the side.

Now you know why Bush was never allowed to discuss that yellow-cake uranium smuggling affair in public.

I hate them too. My suggestion: Turn on some catchy music and dance real hard.

I don't think it's Christianity so much as whichever religion is dominant in your part of the world; you can see this sort of asshattery by oh-so-pious Muslims in Muslims countries and oh-so-pious Jews in Israel, and I'm guessing that India has its share of those who use Hinduism into a vehicle for similar behavior.

Excellent point.

And yes, I realize that pointing out that this is a problem is zero help to people with weight issues.

While conceding that metabolic and cardiovascular issues are valid obesity-related concerns, it's my impression that a subtle reason that health care providers pressure patients to lose weight is that heavier patients are harder for HCPs to take care of.

Surprising to see that many atheists in Saudi Arabia.

This makes sense, assuming that other Neanderthal developmental benchmarks were about the same as ours: walking and talking at about 1 year.

That's not a shoulder pad. That's shoulder fat—plus poor posture.

It's not that cut and dried. While generally agreeing that any nan who delivers this level of service should be compensated accordingly, it's also true that private schools insist on a much higher level of volunteer involvement from parents than public schools do. (E.g., fundraising activities are more likely to be