
Jeez. You know how having a black man as POTUS has brought all the racists out from under their rocks, dragging their big bags of batshit?

I think this is a self-limiting problem, as long as these self-appointed moral arbiter bakeries get a bit of publicity, so people know who they are.

If you look on the link page, there is a card with two kitties.

If you get two puppies instead of one, would they be happier over their lifetimes?

I was thinking more of Firefly:

A bit of Googling indicates that he also represents Mary Higgins Clark—who I hope is looking to dump him.

The wallpaper.

That's not a burden of Judaism—that's a burden of religion, period.

This was my thought as well—the article doesn't address changes in screening practices.
That being said, it's reasonable to assume that Cancer Research UK (the organization that reported this) would have considered the effects of more sensitive screening, or screening of a larger percentage of women, on their

Forgive the obvious-stating, but this is a desperation move.

About servers: early on, ask for some extra napkins. Every spill you can handle right away will be that much smaller for you, and one less the server/busser will have to deal with later.

Not that anyone asked, but: zebrafish are widely used as experimental animals, and as they are more-or-less transparent in their early stages, have been available from lab suppliers with fluorescent labeling for various proteins for the last decade or so.

Damp sheets. No jammies, and sheets-only on the bed. I either use a spray bottle of water on get the sheets, or take a shower and get into bed without toweling off.

One thing watching Grimm has demonstrated (at least to me) is that the Bechdel test isn't simply a measure of gender bias, it's also a measure of good writing.

Oh, and sorry, but somehow, I don't see your ill-informed opinion as to who is considered "any kind of biologist" topping those of biology doctoral programs.

What part of "I don't accept that conception = person" do you not understand?

Obviously, we do know the difference—far better than you do.

I agree completely. Fetuses are actual human beings, not hypothetical, and therefore deserve protection under the law as human being. Basic biology.

Especially when you consider that the anti-choicers' alternative—placing a healthy infant up for adoption—commonly has the adopting parents paying out 5- or 6-figure sums.

Two words: Green card.