
Or possibly dealing with two conversations, one with Boehner and another with someone across the table.

You may notice that only 24% want Roe overturned, which is roughly the same percentage (about 20-25%) that support every Tea Party piece of dumb-ass that comes down the pike, that represented George Bush's approval rating the last year of his administration, that think Sarah Palin is brilliant and hot whereas Two-Term

Sorry. Didn't mean to sound like I was jumping on you.

Also, if your worst suspicions about women who have abortions were absolutely valid—whatever those suspicions are (including the idea that some are so ditzy that they'd rely entirely on abortion for birth control)—then the women in question wouldn't exactly be the ones to whom you'd most want to entrust a baby, now

Using abortion as her primary means of birth control? People do stupid things all the time, so I can't say it never happens. But it's a shooting-a-fly-with-an-elephant-gun sort of strategy.

Women in their third trimesters whose pregnancies have something really wrong with them will fly to these providers—who get patients from all over the country for just this reason.

Go. You will not be the oldest student, by a long shot.

[Sigh.] Yes, of course it's more dangerous and invasive than regular labor and delivery.

To store partly-used avocados: Try to leave the pit in place. Slather the cut flesh (and the pit) with olive oil (or other cooking oil, I suppose) and cover it closely with plastic wrap (so the wrap is directly on the cut part). Then put it in the fridge. The oil and wrap protect it from oxidizing and it should keep

Little crime.

Around these people, I make a point of calling him "President Obama."

Ms. Morrissey, could you please stop referring to these people as "pro-life"?

Gee, they're rejecting a religion that has devolved, to an astonishing extent, to little more than a rationalization for obsessing over other people's sex lives?

So these guys raped her, beat her, sodomized her with an iron bar—fatally ripping her insides—and threw her into the street, after which she lingered in agony for a few days until she finally died . . .

How embarrassing. This is the first I realized that Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) were two different people.

Now playing

Yeah—once you've had a dog, cats are like having a fish or a guinea pig. They're okay, but it's not much of a relationship.

Two reasons that I can think of:

Thanks. "Pro-life" is spin, pure and simple.

Well, I don't believe "life" begins at conception.

Good point.