
Y'know, up until this particular discussion, I hadn't appreciated how much the Bechdel test is less about a feminist POV as it is a gauge of writing quality.

Yeah, Grimm's a good story in search of characters.

I'm actually delighted that they've stopped lying about being motivated by some pretense at valuing"life"—a term (you may have noticed) they always use in such an utterly abstract sense that it has no meaning at all in this context.

Guarnizo's punishment was for "engaging in intimidating behavior toward parish staff and others . . . "


Charming—I'm so sorry for this.

Uh, a lot of these anti-choice scumbags operate on the assumption that progressive women are available for sexual encounters.

It boggles my mind how some people get elected into office.

Bad writing. The only way the Juliet character could be more cardboard would be if they actually got a cardboard mannequin and had stagehands move it around the set.

Yes, but it's not as punitive. Which is the point, no matter how much these cretins lie about their motives.

I think that "everybody wants a handout except for hard-working little me" shtick comes from these people's belief that a free market with no regulations and no taxes will magically fix the economy.

You'll notice her "As I say, anything is possible, I don't want to close any doors . . . [blah-blah-blah]" includes no specifics and could have been a response to anything at all.

Oh hell. If 40%—or 70%, or 100%—of American babies are born out of wedlock, they're still (a) American and (b) babies. They are our country's future. It takes a really special kind of sickness to look upon their existence as an opportunity to eff-up their mothers.

Ideally, yes, it's healthy—just like running a 6K is healthy. However,

(he's already rich as fuck)

And yet, they are ALL great pet names.

Re cosmetics—if you use them and you're not feeling your best, you might look better with the less stark ones: brown eyeliner and mascara instead of black; pinkish/beige-ish matte lipstick instead of shiny red; more of a "natural" look than a dramatic one.

I've always had the impression that he gets married basically to make himself seem a little less pathetic, and there's nothing romantic or sexual about it.

Wev, but if you're going into science for money instead of love, you're really wasting your time.

Y'know, a basic requirement for a sex-ed class is a teacher who can give a straight answer a question about sex ("promiscuous" or otherwise) without getting hypovolemic from blushing so hard. Wright seems to be one of those people who takes it as a tribute to his "morality" (1) that he can barely discuss this subject