
Okay, fine. How about a compromise? Pharmacists who want to refuse to sell Plan B or other contraceptives have to put up a sign to that effect, of a size and in a position so it's readable to anyone considering pulling into their parking lot.

Then you should know: this is all a set-up for his next career.

Mr. Twits, like most Republican apologists, depends heavily on no one being able to remember anything that happened more than three years ago.

Farmer, farmer, clerk, guy who ran a hardware store.

Naina—I'm so sorry. Divorce sucks, even when it's from a total asshole.

Whatever. She's a woman who believes that fucking married men is an acceptable form of husband-hunting.

Thing one, not socializing the kids—not only from people who are different [read "swarthier"] from themselves, but especially, from people whose positions are both different from the parents' and better supported—is the entire point of homeschooling for people like Santorum. His views simply can't survive in any

I remember going over my grandfather's high school stuff (circa the 20s). He grew up on a farm in Idaho, but from what I saw, his education was fairly rigorous (calculus on a level I myself didn't see until college, Latin, the kind of biology that required a dissection kit [which I still have]).

Englin should identify the Republican douchebag who thinks pregnant women deserve to be raped with objects.

Aside from everything else, the fact that people from the American Life League think

I stand corrected, and in this case, I'm happy to be wrong.

Yes, he's an ass, but—you don't have much acquaintance with priests, do ya? I have some (lots of intermarriage in my family) and while my sample size may be limited, I think that prissy concern-troll tone is simply how these guys roll. Apparently, they teach it in seminary: Smarm 101.

I see you've met my grandmother.

What would happen if you just told us the dirtbag's name? And address maybe? Or would that be sinking to his level?

Sadly, if she's had some experience with rape, she was probably encouraged to blame herself.

The 7?

Given that Handel ran for office partly by vilifying PP, I imagine that the meeting would go more like:

Shorter College of Bishops:

The video clip is much more interesting in the context of this story.

What sort of work does your mother do? (If she's got ballet dancers for clients, it already sounds interesting, even if she was their accountant.)