
As countless others have pointed out since this matter came up, Catholics use contraceptives about as much as everyone else does.

OT-esque, but now that Rick "Only-Some-People-Should-Be-Allowed-to-Fuck-and-You're-Not-One-of-Them" Santorum swept last Tuesday's elections, I suppose we can expect Romney to step up his government-in-your-bedroom shtick.

They're Republicans, which means they're less-and-less representative of most Americans, including most American voters.

When Santorum talks about what people do in the Netherlands, I hear the exceedingly well-informed Gavin from The Kids in the Hall: "In England, everyone only has one spoon."


I understand why you might not want to spring for this training for, say, ICU or hospice nurses. But for anyone working in emergency medicine or OB-GYN (nurses or docs), this should be pretty basic. Even if you only had a few people on staff with SANE training, you could ask them to be on-call for this supposedly

In trying to find out if Brinker bothered to learn Magyar for her ambassadorship, I came across this from People, Oct 29, 2001 ([] ):

You want to remember this when someone claims that homosexuality is a choice.* This is the choice they mean.

You might consider getting your news from sources where the humor column doesn't consist of images of the president in a pimp hat.

Sorry—when I watched this week's Glee, my recurring thought was: "So this is it. The episode where Glee jumps the shark."

She's a kid. You don't give up on kids.

I see you've met him.

Bush Senior (Dubya's dad) was once described as reminding every woman of her first husband. I imagine Newt reminds a lot of women of some guy she knew in her 20s who thought she'd put out if he kept talking to her like she was stupid.

Hadn't thought of that. Can you contribute to PP in Handel's name?

I imagine it might go the other way. They've certainly seen the last dime they'll ever get from me as long as this slut-shamer is in an executive position, and I don't think I'm alone.

Thanks for the choice of words.

Uh, I know it must be hard to do this every weekday, but did the io9 staff ever come up with a concept for the Daily 10 list that was rejected for being too dull?

Aside from everything else, you have to marvel at the level of ignorance required to believe that a mother has some control over this.

The point of these sonograms isn't to make something apparent. It's bullying, plain and simple—and doing it on the public dime.

Good advice. I've also had some luck with printing out the the slides before class, 2 or 4 to a sheet (at my school, they're available as PDFs) and taking notes on them as the professor goes through the slides.