
You know how to make Keith Hudson jealous? Have some money, honey.

Aargh! Apologies for the double post.

In the first place, of course they're terrorists. You think people stop being terrorists because they're true believers?

In the first place, of course they're terrorists. You think people stop being terrorists because they're true believers?

[Apologies for length of this rant.]

Let me guess, d_l_l_b . . . you don't actually have a uterus of your own, do ya?

The thing about parental consent laws is that they're essentially a government subsidy to bad parenting.

. . . lack of resources to afford medical care and cultural stigma against both unwed mothers and abortion.

When you have a miscarriage, a lot of the women you know who've had kids (including a lot of your relatives—mom, aunts, sisters, cousins, in-laws, et al.) will tell you the story of their miscarriages, the plots of which all go like this: "I had a miscarriage too (or occasionally, a stillbirth, or some other

I'm 58 and for various reasons, I'm back in school, with mostly people in their 20s.

Because although lovers disappoint, friends disappoint, parents disappoint, institutions disappoint, careers disappoint . . . science always works exactly the way it's supposed to.

From your description, your friend is only proving my point: fetuses are incapable of having, or even comprehending the concept of a choice (about anything)—any more than the sperm in a man's scrotum are capable of an opinion as to whether he wears a condom or not.

Wikipedia can say it better than I can:

Exactly who are these violently anti-war people to whom you refer? I've been protesting wars since Vietnam and the only people I've noticed actively trying to stick it to returned veterans are the GOP—and even they've only been doing since Bush Administration.

Nah, it clears up something I've always been curious about: why aren't Bachmann's supporters worried that if they support a neurotic, corrupt, willfully ignorant, sex-obsessed cretin, people might think they're neurotic, corrupt, willfully ignorant, sex-obsessed cretins?

tossing around a phrase like "pro life" . . .

I thought the name was familiar, so I looked up Bob Marshall in Wikipedia. ([] ). Former staff member and currently a "research consultant" for the American Life League; sponsored an amendment to the VA state constitution opposing same-sex marriage and civil unions; anti-birth control; had to be

What's particularly disturbing is that, of all the types of nursing jobs that asshole could have taken, she chose to work in a GYN office. So presumably, slut-shaming is pretty much what she did all day—AND the doctor went along with it.

In answer to your question, I think a lot of these women were trained in the Philippines, a very Catholic country.

Unfortunately, once you lose the hyperbole, that's pretty much why America has such a disgraceful infant mortality rate (that, and the Republicans' economic article of faith: "Every damn thing [including health care distribution] can be magically fixed with unregulated markets").