
Are we really to believe that abortion is a greater sin in the eyes of God?

On the other hand, it's good that they've identified themselves; if I were a patient getting a termination, I wouldn't want these assholes involved in my care.

I interpret this as: Looman's business is going down, and he's blaming Obama.

So either (a) it was Brownback's idea—in which case, he requires his staff members to be such ass-kissers that he could actually order Jones-Sontag to harass some high-school kid;

I read this in hope of finding out how fairy wasps got by without neurons. So reading the article was kind of a let-down—as was the discovery that whoever writes headlines for io9 either can't tell the difference between neurons and nuclei, or doesn't bother to proofread.

Not even! America's infant mortality rates are a national disgrace, and if these people were the least bit truthful about their motives, they'd be on this issue like white on rice—making sure that the "pre-born" were ALL beneficiaries of decent prenatal care, their mothers had access to good nutrition, supportive

So did I, and I certainly would have no objections if Planned Parenthood of South Texas (or anywhere else) used 40 Days of Claiming to Be "for Life" While Treating One of Life's Most Important Components as Punitively as Possible; Using Children and Parenthood as a Form of Punishment; Hypocritically Ignoring the Needs

If you look at his guests he has never had a moderate middle of the road republican on his show.

The View wants a Republican, and that's fine, but can't they find a smart one?

Yes, Michele—it's the CBS's fault that most people think you're an idiot.

Miller is in his mid-50s, which isn't that old—more like middle-aged.

I think the pedophilia cover-ups in the Catholic Church were fueled in part by CYA, but also by the fact that the subject matter made members of the Church hierarchy (i.e., The Prissiest Human Beings on God's Green Earth) so uncomfortable that they tended to choose whatever solution made the whole business go away

Is some poor woman married to this idiot?

Actually, that picture was taken in the 3-second-or-so period before he pawed the hat off. Wouldn't usually have taken so long, but as you can see, he stopped to yawn.

I seem to remember hearing about a Mother Heroine whose medal was rescinded when the authorities noticed that she'd had them all by different men.

I'm so sorry to read this. It's insane. My son and I got our late dog, Alan, from ACCNY, in 1996. The were very interested in placing him, but reasonably careful about checking me out—asking for references and such. I believe that my family and I gave him a good (and certainly loving) home. (He died a year ago and I

Punctures, especially deep ones, are the injuries for which you want peroxide.

. . . one can be a jerk and not a bully.

Miss Havisham to Estella.

Other things being equal, being hit on by a married guy is yards sleazier than being hit on by an unattached guy, if only because of the built-in assumption that any follow-through requires lying to and/or hurting his wife, and that he's okay with that.