
Get the perishables out of the fridge, arrange them on a nice platter, go downstairs to the lobby and socialize with the neighbors and the doorman.

To get into med school, you need good undergraduate grades, a decent MCAT score, letters of recommendation. What you don't need is the slightest acquaintance with anything else. So medicine often attracts people for whom not interacting with the world on a personal level—spending four years of college just studying—

Other than the bizarre conclusion that lesbians don't need Pap smears, this didn't sound all that awful to me.

I know Bachmann didn't go to a particularly good law school, but didn't they teach Con Law there at all?

Yes, of course it should be legalized. It's insane that, as every useful government service is being cut, we're still expected to pay for enforcement of these pointless laws.

(a) Obviously, you want your dog to do his business outside, and you need for him to know that. But if there's some sort of glitch where no one's around to walk him and he really needs to go, it's useful to have him know that, while you're not crazy about him going, e.g., in the downstairs bathroom next to the basin

Respectfully, I think you are overlooking a more obvious explanation: the so-called "pro-life" movement doesn't trouble itself about the infant mortality rate (which, from their rhetoric, you'd figure they'd be on like white on rice) because it is neurochemically impossible for them to give a lesser flying crap about

If they're so damned concerned with the well being of black infants, they might start by explaining why the so-called "pro-life" movement has never done bugger-squat-all about America's infant mortality rate, which is not only a national disgrace that affects black babies to a wildly disproportionate extent, but is a

I really do not understand the astounding lack of empathy in the people who created this law.

The PRRI notes that "conventional wisdom" dictates that religious people oppose gay marriage.

"Magic act? I wanted to see a bit of tit."

I'm living at home because I'm so happy to be here . . .

As this article didn't include a picture of her in the guilty dress, I looked her up on Google images. If they're any indication, this is apparently how Ms. Wang always dresses.

In fairness, those appear to be places where the category: "Dumb macho stunts that could get you killed" might include coming out.

More to the story? Try this: One of the sad things about developmentally disabled women and girls is that rapists tend to view them as easy pickins'.

Me too.

The Brits didn't believed Mormons were polygamists as a result of A Study in Scarlet.

The entire middle third of the book is this backstory about a young non-Mormon woman, her adoptive father, and her fiance, and her treatment by the Mormon community in which they live.

Molly Ivins too.

If you haven't already, you might go down to the local police precinct and explain the situation. What they themselves are allowed to do legally varies from place to place, but they often have excellent suggestions in these cases.